Socio-economic and Community Health Baseline

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Socio-economic and Community Health Baseline
This chapter outlines the socio-economic and health baseline of areas (both onshore and offshore) potentially affected by the Project. The chapter is structured into a number of sections, as follows: • Sections 9.2 and 9.3 provide a summary of the baseline and sources of information used to compile the baseline, respectively. • Section 9.4 defines the Project Area of Influence, providing both an overview of the geographic characteristics as well as the respective administrative divisions and governance structures. • Sections 9.5 to 9.7 provide an overview of Cabo Delgado Province (an important part of the Area of Indirect Influence) and aims to set the broader social, health and economic context in which the Project will be located. • Sections 9.8 to 9.14 provide a description of the social, health and economic characteristics of the Area of Direct Influence, which includes Palma District and the Afungi Project Site and Surrounds (including Senga and Maganja). • Section 9.15 provides a description of the cultural and religious profile of the Afungi Project Site and Surrounds (including Senga and Maganja). • Section 9.16 provides an overview of perceptions and expectations about the Project. • Section 9.17 provides an understanding of the shipping movements and types of vessels used within the Study Area. • Section 9.18 details the archaeology and cultural heritage baseline of the Afungi Project Site, based on both primary and secondary data.
11/05/2021, 11:32
Anadarko Mozambique. (2014). Socio-economic and Community Health Baseline. ExxonMobil.
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