MUVA Urban Youth Survey: A statistical profile of urban youth in Maputo and Beira, Mozambique

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MUVA Urban Youth Survey: A statistical profile of urban youth in Maputo and Beira, Mozambique
The MUVA Urban Youth Survey was conducted as part of the research activities for MUVA, a five-year DFID-funded female economic empowerment programme in urban Mozambique. MUVA works toward testing and finding solutions to help women and girls access opportunities to decent work by addressing the constraints they face. The objective of the survey is to obtain a statistical profile of the youth living in the MUVA target areas in Maputo and Beira to help inform policies about female economic empowerment and connected areas such as education, youth employment, family planning, and financial and digital inclusion. The survey covers a variety of thematic areas such as education, employment and economic activities, financial inclusion, fertility and family planning, time use, social norms, social capital, and digital inclusion. The analysis in this report places a focus on the different constraints young women face compared to young men, especially with regards to how this affects their ability to participate in the labour market. This report is the first in a series of publications on this survey. It summarises key findings across all subject areas. Shorter, less technical thematic briefs will be produced as part of the dissemination activities. A technical compendium will be accompanying this report with all relevant statistical/technical information.
Library Catalogue
Arau, A., Bhalla, G., Bischler, J., & Jasper, P. (2018). MUVA Urban Youth Survey: A statistical profile of urban youth in Maputo and Beira, Mozambique. MUVA / OPM.
Geography / Geografia
Methods / Métodos