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The book approaches the topic in a multidisciplinary and multisectoral manner and considers different viewpoints, including political, institutional and that of public administration, finances and society. The authors look at the relationship between decentralisation and democratisation, a subject debated in political sciences: Does decentralisation correspond to a more advanced level of democracy? Regarding its life as a democracy, Moçambique is still a young country and the book provides a...
The purpose of this Country Evaluation Brief is to present relevant knowledge about donors’ development efforts in Mozambique. The brief systematises relevant findings from existing evaluations of development interventions in the country. The idea is to present the findings to the reader in a succinct and easily accessible format
In this study, we set out to examine three interrelated questions: To what extent has Brazilian cooperation in the agriculture sector contributed to agrarian transformation in Mozambique? How has Mozambican civil society, and in particular the União Nacional dos Camponeses (UNAC, National Peasants’ Union), responded to the prospect of Brazilian agribusiness investments in the Nacala Corridor? And what effects has BrazilianMozambican agricultural development cooperation had on the existing...
The purpose of this Country Evaluation Brief is to present relevant knowledge about donors’ development efforts in Mozambique. The brief systematises relevant findings from existing evaluations of development interventions in the country. The idea is to present the findings to the reader in a succinct and easily accessible format.
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of poverty and well-being, including temporal trends, in Mozambique. It is based on the 2014/15 household budget survey data (Inquérito aos Agregados Familiares sobre Orçamento Familiar (IOF) 2014/15), conducted by the National Statistics Institute (Instituto Nacional de Estatística, INE). Results from this latest survey are compared to those obtained in previous survey rounds (2008/09, 2002/03 and 1996/97). We consider poverty and well-being...
Without much preparation, Indonesia, in 2000, at a stroke replaced the previous system of centralized government and development planning with a wide range of decentralization programs. The reforms gave greater authority, political power, and financial resources directly to regencies and municipalities, bypassing the provinces. The powers transferred include those of executing a wide range of responsibilities in the areas of health, primary and middle-level education, public works,...
A series of five “Reality Checks” will take place in the period 2011-2016, focussing on the dynamics of poverty and well-being with a particular focus on good governance, agriculture/climate and energy that are key sectors in Swedish development cooperation with Mozambique. Each Reality Check will be published in the form of one Annual Report and three Sub-Reports from each of the three selected study-sites (see ORGUTa 2011 for more details). More concretely, the “Reality Checks in...
As officials count the rising cost of the hidden debts, President Nyusi faces awkward questions from investors and donors. As Mozambique's mountain of dubious debts tops US$2 billion, there are growing calls for a forensic audit and an international police probe into the officials and entities involved in this massive fraud. The deals and loans arranged under President Armando Guebuza, and largely kept secret under his successor Filipe Nyusi, mean that Mozambicans now face the prospect of...
Map Mozambique
The Reality Checks are implemented 2011-2016 and each year field work is carried out in the Municipality of Cuamba, the District of Lago and the District of Majune in the Niassa Province. Each Reality Check focusses on a specific theme. This is the 5th Sub-Report from the District of Lago, focussing on quantitative expressions of changes in poverty and wellbeing and the role of public institutions since the 1st Reality Check in 2011. An Annual Report is produced each year to summarise the...
1. What is JICA? Since joining the Colombo plan in 1954, Japan has been providing financial and technical assistance to developing countries through ODA (Official Development Assistance). JICA is the "one stop shop of Japan's bilateral ODA'', providing Technical Cooperation, ODA Loans (Concessional Loans) and Grant Aid. JICA has a network of more than 90 overseas offices. In Mozambique, JICA opened office in 2003. 3. Priority Areas in Mozambique: 1) Activation of Regional and Local...
The government of Mozambique remains confident that its mining boom is set to accelerate in the coming years, despite weak sentiment in the global mining industry. Rising coal production and an eventual rebound in global prices will spur some growth in Mozambique's mining sector in 2016‑20 but we expect that, weighed down by infrastructure deficits and non-competitive policies, it will remain a relatively small contributor to GDP growth. Mozambique has untapped coal reserves estimated to...
A propitiously timed household survey carried out in Mozambique over the period 2008/ 2009 permits us to study the relationship between shifts in food prices and child nutrition status in a low income setting. We focus on weight-for-height and weight-for-age in different survey quarters characterized by very different food price inflation rates. Using propensity score matching techniques, we find that these nutrition measures, which are sensitive in the short run, improve significantly in...
This report relates to urbanisation as it is currently happening in Mozambique. It explores the present situation of cities and the government’s planned urbanisation strategy. It also discusses how the country plans to transition to a majority urban population. The report also discusses the impact of the urbanisation strategy on the regional development of the country through the promotion of growth corridors. To discuss this message, Future Cities Africa has selected three cities along the...
A partir de um modelo de previsões sobre dominância e a dinâmica de recrutamento nos partidos da oposição em sistemas de partido dominante, pretendeu-se perceber as dinâmicas do conflito político em Moçambique que culminaram com o agravamento da tensão militar entre as forças armadas do Governo moçambicano, e o maior partido da oposição, a RENAMO. Pode-se tomar como hipóteses que a assimetria de recursos entre o partido dominante no poder, a FRELIMO, e o maior partido da oposição, bem como...
In the framework of efforts to fight extreme poverty and recognising the importance and need to protect the poor and vulnerable population, in 2007 Mozambique approved Law No. 4/2007 which structured social protection into three levels, including basic social security. In 2010 the first National Basic Social Security Strategy (ENSSB I) was approved for the period 2010–2014, including a set of old (e.g. the Basic Social Security Programme—PSSB) and new (e.g. the Productive Social Action...
A política externa brasileira, a partir de 2003, apresentou uma notória curva em direção ao aprofundamento e à expansão das relações com outros países e regiões “do Sul global”. Nesse contexto, o continente africano ganhou importância para as relações internacionais do Brasil. O objetivo do artigo é avançar na compreensão da participação do setor empresarial na cooperação brasileira em Moçambique. Os resultados demonstram que as empresas e seus projetos privados se mesclam nos territórios....
The promotion of decentralisation and local governance has long since been an established part of bilateral and multilateral development cooperation. In the context of fragile statehood, however, this area of development cooperation is frequently faced with the general suspicion of encouraging separatism, exacerbating conflicts, and thereby promoting the disintegration of the state. At the same time, fragile contexts create demand for institutional solutions concerning the distribution of...
Seed systems in Mozambique There are three identified dominant seed systems in Mozambique, namely informal seed system (mainly farmer-saved seed), the intermediary (mainly administered by the NGOs and communitybased organizations) and the formal seed system that includes public sector and private sector (local and international seed companies). The farmer-saved and intermediary systems account for the bulk of seed volume transacted across the country (90%) focusing mainly on the local...
The project’s objective was to improve access to lower secondary education, by constructing 4 schools and extending the capacity of existing schools and their facilities in the target areas of Maputo Province and Gaza Province, thereby contributing to improvement of the quality of education. The project’s objective coincides with the development policy of Mozambique, which emphasizes the expansion of access to secondary education at the time of planning and also ex-post evaluation. It also...
Themes / Temas
- Access to Services / Acesso a Serviços (9)
- Accountability / Responsabilização (18)
- Budget / Orçamento (7)
- Citizenship & Participation / Cidadania e Participação (13)
- Civic Space / Espaço Cívico (3)
- Civil Society / Sociedade Civil (13)
- Climate Change / Mudanças Climáticas (6)
- Collaboration / Colaboração (1)
- Conflict / Conflito (23)
- Decentralization / Descentralização (19)
- Demographics / Demografia (13)
- Development Banks / Bancos de Desenvolvimento (18)
- Displaced Communities / Comunidades Deslocadas (4)
- Economic Development / Desenvolvimento Económico (10)
- Education / Educação (7)
- Electoral Geography / Geografia Eleitoral (2)
- Employment / Emprego (6)
- Empowerment / Empoderamento (3)
- Entrepreneurship / Empreendedorismo (5)
- Extractive Industries / Indústrias Extractivas (12)
- FDI - foreign direct investment / IDE - investimento directo estrangeiro (7)
- Fragility / Fragilidade (1)
- Gender / Género (27)
- Governance / Governação (25)
- Government Policy / Política Governamental (7)
- Grievance Redress Mechanisms (1)
- Institutions / Instituições (6)
- Justice / Justiça (1)
- Law / Direito (1)
- Mobilization / Mobilização (1)
- Politics / Política (1)
- Poverty / Pobreza (28)
- Power / Poder (2)
- Rural Development / Desenvolvimento Rural (5)
- Security / Segurança (2)
- Social inclusion & exclusion / inclusão e exclusão social (8)
- Social Protection / Proteção Social (7)
- Society / Sociedade (2)
- South-South Cooperation / Cooperação sul-sul (4)
- Taxation / Tributação (1)
- Transparency / Transparência (2)
- Urbanization / Urbanização (6)
- Youth / Juventude (15)
Sectors / Setores
- Agriculture / Agricultura (21)
Health / Saúde
- COVID-19 (3)
- Dignified Care / Atendimento Humanizado / Mau Atendimento (1)
- Health information systems / Sistemas de informação de saúde (1)
- Health Services / Serviços de Saúde (3)
- Maternal and Child Health / Saúde Materna-Infantil (4)
- Social Determinants of Health / Determinantes Sociais da Saúde (1)
- WASH / Água, higiene e saneamento (1)
Natural Resources / Recursos Naturais
- gas / gás (6)
- mining / mineração (5)
- Private Sector / Setor Privado (7)
Geography / Geografia
Mozambique / Moçambique
- Central / Centro (3)
- North / Norte (118)
South / Sul
- Maputo (1)
- Rest of the World / Rest of the World (34)
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
Resource type
- Artwork (1)
- Blog Post (6)
- Book (7)
- Book Section (5)
- Conference Paper (3)
- Journal Article (35)
- Magazine Article (1)
- Map (3)
- Presentation (3)
- Report (145)
- Thesis (3)
- Web Page (7)
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
Between 1970 and 1979
- 1974 (1)
Between 1980 and 1989
- 1988 (1)
Between 1990 and 1999
- 1998 (1)
Between 1970 and 1979
- Between 2000 and 2025 (210)
- Unknown (6)