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Maps of JICA Major Projects
Project outline Project Overview: - This project is to secure smooth and safe connectivity at the road N380 (Sunate - Oasse) through reconstruction of bridges, Messalo1 (45m)/ Messalo-3 (60m)/ Mapuede (45m), thereby contributing to facilitate the economy of Cabo Delgado and neighboring countries
Mozambique’s debt remains in distress, which is unchanged from the previous DSA published in June 2019. Consideringthat, to a large extent, future borrowingand governmentguarantees reflect state participation in the sizable liquified natural gas (LNG) development, debt is deemed sustainable in a forward-looking sense. Participation in the recently announced G20 initiative would provide debt service relief in the near term, thus flattening the projected sharp deterioration in debt liquidity...
How and to what degree is the World Bank putting its new institutional citizen engagement (CE) commitments into practice? This question guides an independent assessment that the Accountability Research Center (ARC) at American University has undertaken as part of the Institute of Development Studies (IDS)-led Action for Empowerment and Accountability (A4EA) research programme’s investigation into how external actors can best support local processes of and conditions for empowerment and...
The aims of this paper are: 1) to highlight how multi-stakeholder country platforms, built on development effectiveness principles, in line with the globally agreed recommendations of IHP+2, can be reinforced within the framework of the Global Strategy and its supporting mechanisms and are key to the Global Strategy’s successful implementation; and 2) to lay out key considerations for new multi-stakeholder country platforms, along with the relevant mechanisms and a minimum set of standards...
The African Development Bank Group’s Country Strategy Paper (CSP) 2018-22 for Mozambique comes at a time when the country adopted its long term development strategy ‘ENDE’ 2015-35. The CSP was prepared on the basis of extensive consultations held with the Government of Mozambique, Development Partners, the private sector and the civil society. The main objective of the ENDE is the improvement of the livelihoods of the population through the structural transformation of the economy, and the...
Final JICA report on Nacala Corridor Development Project, whose objectives include: to clarify organizations for promoting and coordinating the implementation of development strategies for the Nacala Corridor Region in accordance with PEDEC-Nacala and to prepare for the implementation of high priority projects in accordance with PEDEC-Nacala. The study project commenced in April 2012 and the final study report was produced in April 2015.
The Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health 2016-30 highlights the importance of adolescent health and well-being as being essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030. For adolescents to survive, thrive and transform their societies, the global community needs to invest in their health and well-being. Today’s adolescents are well-positioned to mobilize their peers, advocate for increased resources for sexual and reproductive health and...
Over the last decade, Mozambique has been one of the fastest-growing African economies, enjoying average economic growth of about 8% between 2004 and 2015. It received strong support from the international community during the period (for example, in 2014 it received US$2 billion in official development assistance). In parallel, the country has embarked on major reforms — especially fiscal reforms and tax administration — and has opened up to foreign investment, particularly for the exploitation of its natural resources.
The implementation plan for the civil society engagement strategy (CSES) is developed to provide civil society organizations in countries (CSOs) with an operational framework to strengthen their engagement in the GFF process with a view to supporting the achievement of the objectives of the GFF and national investment cases. The plan reflects and builds on, and should be read in conjunction with the CSES. It is shaped and informed by GFF country implementation experiences to date, 12345 as...
1. What is JICA? Since joining the Colombo plan in 1954, Japan has been providing financial and technical assistance to developing countries through ODA (Official Development Assistance). JICA is the "one stop shop of Japan's bilateral ODA'', providing Technical Cooperation, ODA Loans (Concessional Loans) and Grant Aid. JICA has a network of more than 90 overseas offices. In Mozambique, JICA opened office in 2003. 3. Priority Areas in Mozambique: 1) Activation of Regional and Local...
The project’s objective was to improve access to lower secondary education, by constructing 4 schools and extending the capacity of existing schools and their facilities in the target areas of Maputo Province and Gaza Province, thereby contributing to improvement of the quality of education. The project’s objective coincides with the development policy of Mozambique, which emphasizes the expansion of access to secondary education at the time of planning and also ex-post evaluation. It also...
Study commissioned by EU and other countries on CSO engagement. The identification of priorities is based on four criteria: • The findings of the recent mapping of civil society in Mozambique commissioned by the EU and other studies; • The official EU guidance on the preparation of a civil society roadmap; • Existing and planned EU interventions and of the partners engaged in the roadmap; • The need to combine a longer term perspective with concrete actions over the next 3 years. The...
The Government of Mozambique (GoM), acting through the national roads administration (ANE) has made requests to international financial institutions including the African Development Bank, for the improvement of transport infrastructure and for strengthening the institutional capacity of the roads sector. ANE plans to apply a portion of these funds to the environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) of the project for the rehabilitation of the N13, Cumanba-Mandimba-Lichinga (302 km)....
Ex-post evaluation of ODA projects has been in place since 1975 and since then the coverage of evaluation has expanded. Japan’s ODA charter revised in 2003 shows Japan’s commitment to ODA evaluation, clearly stating under the section “Enhancement of Evaluation” that in order to measure, analyze and objectively evaluate the outcome of ODA, third-party evaluations conducted by experts will be enhanced. This volume shows the results of the ex-post evaluation of Grant Aid projects that were...
The objectives of the Study are to determine the most technically feasible and economically viable, environmentally acceptable and socially optimal option of upgrading the existing Cuamba – Lichinga road to an all-weather road for easier transit. The Study also determines the impact of providing an all-weather road on poverty reduction and environment. And establishment of the “Regional Development Program” intended for Niassa Province is also the objective of the Study. This program aims to...
The objectives of the Study are to determine the most technically feasible and economically viable, environmentally acceptable and socially optimal option of upgrading the existing Cuamba – Lichinga road to an all-weather road for easier transit. The Study also determines the impact of providing an all-weather road on poverty reduction and environment. And establishment of the “Regional Development Program” intended for Niassa Province is also the objective of the Study. This program aims...
The objectives of the Study are to determine the most technically feasible and economically viable, environmentally acceptable and socially optimal option of upgrading the existing Cuamba – Lichinga road to an all-weather road for easier transit. The Study also determines the impact of providing an all-weather road on poverty reduction and environment. And establishment of the “Regional Development Program” intended for Niassa Province is also the objective of the Study. This program aims...
Themes / Temas
- Development Banks / Bancos de Desenvolvimento
- Civil Society / Sociedade Civil (3)
- Economic Development / Desenvolvimento Económico (1)
- Education / Educação (1)
- Extractive Industries / Indústrias Extractivas (1)
- FDI - foreign direct investment / IDE - investimento directo estrangeiro (1)
- Gender / Género (1)
- Governance / Governação (1)
- Urbanization / Urbanização (1)
- Youth / Juventude (2)
Sectors / Setores
Geography / Geografia
Mozambique / Moçambique
- Central / Centro (1)
North / Norte
- Cabo Delgado (2)
- Nacala (6)
- Nampula (2)
- Lichinga (1)
- Rest of the World / Rest of the World (4)
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
Resource type
- Map (1)
- Presentation (2)
- Report (15)