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Political economy of decentralisation in Mozambique: dynamics, outcomes, challenges

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Political economy of decentralisation in Mozambique: dynamics, outcomes, challenges
The book approaches the topic in a multidisciplinary and multisectoral manner and considers different viewpoints, including political, institutional and that of public administration, finances and society. The authors look at the relationship between decentralisation and democratisation, a subject debated in political sciences: Does decentralisation correspond to a more advanced level of democracy? Regarding its life as a democracy, Moçambique is still a young country and the book provides a clear picture of the history of decentralisation from 1992 to today. Its basic argument is that the political class which has been in power since Independence systematically sought to limit or, on occasion, halt decentralisation. Is this thesis acceptable? And is it sustained by the evidence which the book produces? In general, it is possible to reply affirmatively to both questions. The fact that the government has increased the number of districts, some of which perfectly overlap with the territory of the respective municipalities, is offered as proof to verify the central proposition. Furthermore, in the context of today’s political discourse around the future, the government’s reservation in increasing the number of municipalities constitutes one of countless demonstrations of how cautious the government’s approach to this subject is.
Maputo, Mozambique
Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos (IESE)
# of Pages
Short Title
Political economy of decentralisation in Mozambique
Library Catalogue
Library of Congress ISBN
Call Number
JQ3671.A56 D428 2017
Weimer, B., & Carrilho, J. (2017). Political economy of decentralisation in Mozambique: dynamics, outcomes, challenges. Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos (IESE). https://www.iese.ac.mz/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/IESE_Political_Economy_of_Decentralisation_-_Livro.pdf
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