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Nos últimos três anos e meio, Moçambique enfrenta uma violência armada desencadeada por um grupo de natureza jihadista. Com origens na zona norte de Cabo Delgado e localmente conhecido pela designação Al-Shabaab, o grupo surgiu como uma seita religiosa (Morier-Genoud, 2020) e, de seguida, constituiu-se numa unidade militarizada, tendo partido para a violência armada a 5 de Outubro de 2017. Baseado em trabalho de campo nas províncias de Cabo Delgado, Nampula e Niassa, este texto procura...
A Rede Moçambicana dos Defensores de Direitos Humanos (RMDDH) está a levar a cabo actividades de identificação e mapeamento de defensores de direitos humanos nas províncias, que incluem pessoas singulares e organizações da sociedade civil que estão na linha de frente na luta pela defesa dos direitos humanos. Financiado pela OCISA, o trabalho iniciou em Abril último na Província de Tete, centro de Moçambique, onde a RMDDH realizou vários encontros com organizações da sociedade civil que...
US oil company Exxon has postponed for the third consecutive year the Final Investment Decision on the natural gas exploration project in Mozambique, putting the $30 billion investment in doubt. According to Bloomberg news agency, which quotes the company's Senior Vice President Neil Chapman, Nei
After suffering decades of under-investment, government negligence, and crushing poverty, the province of Cabo Delgado, the poorest in Mozambique, is now the site of a raging insurgency. Over 1,300 civilians have been killed; another 500,000 have been displaced, and towns and villages have been left in ruins. Fighting has intensified since an armed group locally known as Al-Shabaab attacked the northern port town of Mocímboa da Praia in October 2017. In a series of attacks, Al-Shabaab has...
After suffering decades of under-investment, government negligence, and crushing poverty, the province of Cabo Delgado, the poorest in Mozambique, is now the site of a raging insurgency. Over 1,300 civilians have been killed; another 500,000 have been displaced, and towns and villages have been left in ruins. Fighting has intensified since an armed group locally known as Al-Shabaab attacked the northern port town of Mocímboa da Praia in October 2017. In a series of attacks, Al-Shabaab has...
On February 26, 2021, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a grant agreement with the Government of the Republic of Mozambique in Maputo, to provide grant aid of up to 2.076billion yen for the Project for the Construction of a Rural Water Supply Facility in Niassa Province. Under this project, people’s living environment in Niassa Province will improve through installing a rural water supply facility, which will allow access to safe and clean water. It is expected that...
The new report documents serious violations of international humanitarian law by all parties to the conflict in Cabo Delgado.
In This Report: Analysis of the IS claim of the Palma attack in the context of the overall relationship between IS and the Cabo Delgado insurgency Discussion of growing tensions between displaced people, host communities, and aid organizations in districts with growing displaced populations Update on international involvement in the Cabo Delgado conflict and analysis of the role that South African companies Dyck Advisory Group and Paramount Group play in the conflict
Mozambique’s climate is characterized by relatively uniform temperatures across the country and a north-south rainfall gradient which results in higher more reliable rainfall amounts in the North, and lower more variable rainfall amounts in the South Historical climate analysis for the country shows that temperatures are already increasing and rainfall trends are dominated by year-to-year variability. Livelihoods and agricultural production systems are already being affected by the...
On 22 February, insurgents conducted two attacks along the border between Nangade and Mocimboa da Praia districts. The first, a morning attack, took place at Ingalonga, Nangade district. Insurgents beheaded two people there. Later that day, across the border in Mitope, Mocimboa da Praia district, insurgents captured three women and three men who had been working in their fields. One woman was released, and the three men were beheaded. Local militias deployed to the area in response, but no...
To understand how land-use frontiers emerge, we studied the actors driving investments in Niassa province, Mozambique. Our ethnographic research over 2017-2018 among commercial agriculture and forestry investors shows that successive waves of actors with different backgrounds, motives and business practices, arrived in Niassa to establish farms or plantations yet repeatedly failed. Waves come and go but leave sediments – legacies – that add up to gradually build the conditions for a frontier...
A review of key developments in 2020 with a look toward trends to watch in the coming year.
Neste artigo, usamos 'diários de governação' para analisar as interações entre pessoas pobres e autoridades em contextos de Fragilidade, Conflitos e Violência (FCVAS) em Moçambique. Questionamos os significados de empoderamento e responsabilização, sob ponto de vista de pessoas pobres e marginalizadas, e procuramos perceber como essas pessoas vêem as instituições que as governam, incluindo as que as providenciam bens e serviços básicos, entre os quais os de saúde e segurança. As conclusões...
In this paper, we explore the use of a governance diaries methodology to investigate poor households’ interactions with authority in fragile, conflict and violence-affected settings in Mozambique. The research questioned the meanings of empowerment and accountability from the point of view of poor and marginalised people, with the aim of understanding what both mean for them, and how that changes over time, based on their experiences with governance. The study also sought to record how poor...
Total is going ahead with its Mozambique LNG project despite a major armed insurgency in Cabo Delgado. This article discusses plans to secure its Afungi facility, including security forces involved. Facility employment is projected to triple by 2022, from 5,000 in 2020 to 15,000 by 2022.
Moma, one of the world’s biggest titanium mineral deposits, is located 160km from the city of Nampula in Mozambique, Africa. It is owned and operated by Kenmare Resources. The mine contains the titanium minerals ilmenite, rutile and zircon, which are used as feedstock to produce titanium dioxide pigment. It started production of heavy mineral concentrate (HMC) containing these three minerals in April 2007. It produced 1,201,100t of HMC and shipped approximately 853,100t of finished products...
Background: Tobacco growing has been considered a mainstay of Mozambique’s economy, but there is a dearth of analysis of the tobacco policy landscape in the country. Methods: Review of government and non-government documents and academic papers addressing Mozambique’s tobacco-growing history, the changes in the political economy of tobacco, and health policies addressing tobacco use and prevention of noncommunicable diseases. Results: Despite its tobacco growing and exporting...
The 2021 edition of the African Economic Outlook focuses on debt resolution, governance, and growth in Africa. Chapter 1 examines Africa’s growth performance and outlook amid the COVID–19 pandemic. The chapter emphasizes policy options to mitigate the effects of the pandemic in the short, medium, and long terms. Chapter 2 explores the causes and consequences of Africa’s debt dynamics by showing how the changing structure and composition of debt create...
This paper reflects critically on efforts made to formalize artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) – low-tech, labour-intensive mineral extraction and processing – in Mozambique. Drawing on findings from interviews with policymakers, representatives from ASM associations and 200 individual miners, the paper captures the details of the country’s ASM formalization experience. Findings reveal that despite showing considerable promise at first, the drive to formalize ASM in Mozambique, which...
As in previous editions, the Statistical Yearbook 2020 contains information that makes it possible to draw a synthetic profile of Mozambique ́s socioeconomic reality in its multiple domains. It is part of the series of publications that the National Institute of Statistics (INE), in its mission to provide Mozambican society with statistical information that allows the knowledge of the reality of the country, makes available to users and the general public as a vehicle for the dissemination...
Themes / Temas
- Access to Services / Acesso a Serviços (16)
- Accountability / Responsabilização (8)
- ADIN (Agency for Integrated Development of the North) (2)
- Budget / Orçamento (7)
- Citizenship & Participation / Cidadania e Participação (7)
- Civic Space / Espaço Cívico (1)
- Civil Society / Sociedade Civil (7)
- Climate Change / Mudanças Climáticas (5)
- Community scorecard (CSC) / cartão de pontuação comunitária (CPC) (1)
- Conflict / Conflito (80)
- Corruption / Corrupção (1)
- Decentralization / Descentralização (15)
- Demographics / Demografia (28)
- Development Banks / Bancos de Desenvolvimento (17)
- Displaced Communities / Comunidades Deslocadas (8)
- Economic Development / Desenvolvimento Económico (11)
- Education / Educação (11)
- Electoral Geography / Geografia Eleitoral (4)
- Employment / Emprego (7)
- Empowerment / Empoderamento (7)
- Entrepreneurship / Empreendedorismo (9)
- Extractive Industries / Indústrias Extractivas (25)
- FDI - foreign direct investment / IDE - investimento directo estrangeiro (12)
- Fiscal Policy / Política Fiscal (1)
- Fragility / Fragilidade (2)
- Gender / Género (34)
- Governance / Governação (22)
- Government Policy / Política Governamental (3)
- Inclusive Growth / Crescimento Inclusivo (1)
- Innovation / Inovação (1)
- Institutions / Instituições (10)
- Justice / Justiça (3)
- Law / Direito (3)
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- Natural Disasters / Desastres Naturais (2)
- Politics / Política (2)
- Poverty / Pobreza (26)
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- Rural Development / Desenvolvimento Rural (6)
- Security / Segurança (6)
- Social inclusion & exclusion / inclusão e exclusão social (12)
- Social Protection / Proteção Social (5)
- Society / Sociedade (2)
- South-South Cooperation / Cooperação sul-sul (2)
- Taxation / Tributação (2)
- Urbanization / Urbanização (4)
- Youth / Juventude (22)
Sectors / Setores
Geography / Geografia
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
- English / Inglês (118)
- Portuguese / Português (59)
Resource type
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Between 1970 and 1979
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (38)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (162)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (129)
- Unknown (11)