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Cenário Fiscal de Médio Prazo (CFMP 2022-2024), instrumento que marca o início do ciclo de planificação e orçamentação, avança cenários preocupantes em relação à evolução da dívida pública de Moçambique. Por exemplo, as projecções relativas às despesas públicas mostram que os encargos com a dívida pública, isto é, os pagamentos de juros relacionados com o serviço da dívida, passarão de 27.114,8 milhões de meticais em 2021 para 38.731,8 milhões de meticais em 2022, evidenciando um crescimento...
Insurgents struck throughout Nangade district last week, nearly isolating Nangade town in a series of attacks. On 1 March, insurgents began setting roadblocks on the R763 south of Nangade town, cutting off the main route between Nangade and Mueda. The same day, insurgents killed two farmers working near the village of Eduardo Mondlane, just east of Litingina. On 2 March, more insurgent roadblocks sprang up near Muiha village, in the northwest of Nangade district, near where the borders...
A visual explanation of how Mozambique’s islamist group al-Shabab has grown over the years in the northern Cabo Delgado province.
A number of private security companies, foreign governments and militaries have become involved in Mozambique in its fight against the insurgency in Cabo Delgado, but the Mozambican government has so far largely limited external involvement. Nevertheless, there are a number of companies and countries providing security and security assistance to Mozambique. Private military contractors Russian […]
Insurgents struck throughout Nangade district last week, nearly isolating Nangade town in a series of attacks. On 1 March, insurgents began setting roadblocks on the R763 south of Nangade town, cutting off the main route between Nangade and Mueda. The same day, insurgents killed two farmers working near the village of Eduardo Mondlane, just east of Litingina. On 2 March, more insurgent roadblocks sprang up near Muiha village, in the northwest of Nangade district, near where the borders...
French group Total suspends work at gas plant near Palma despite authorities’ claims order has been restored
Thousands of people shelter in displacement camps with limited food supplies across Cabo Delgado following Palma attack.
Following the recent attacks in Palma Sede, DTM teams in Nangade, Mueda, Montpuez, and Pemba districts continue to register significant rise in IDP arrivals since 27 March. On 15 April 2021, an estimated number of 1,260 IDPs were registered in the four districts bringing the total number of IDPs to 19,921 people who have been displaced from Palma. IDPs continue to arrive in Nangade on foot and by bus from Nangade to Mueda, Montepuez, and Pemba.
Hundreds of people remain missing five days after an Islamic State (ISIS)-linked armed group known as Al-Shabab raided the town of Palma in Mozambique’s northern Cabo Delgado province, killing and wounding an unknown number of civilians and causing thousands to flee.
Insurgents struck throughout Nangade district last week, nearly isolating Nangade town in a series of attacks. On 1 March, insurgents began setting roadblocks on the R763 south of Nangade town, cutting off the main route between Nangade and Mueda. The same day, insurgents killed two farmers working near the village of Eduardo Mondlane, just east of Litingina. On 2 March, more insurgent roadblocks sprang up near Muiha village, in the northwest of Nangade district, near where the borders...
An agonizing choice for nearly 200 people holed up in a hotel as gunmen roamed unchecked: Wait overnight for rescue? Or make a run for it?
The town of Palma, in Cabo Delgado, was under gunfire on Wednesday afternoon and the population is fleeing, different sources who were in communication with the headquarters of the district that hosts the gas projects in northern Mozambique told Lusa. Machine gunfire was heard in the town and the
Insurgents struck throughout Nangade district last week, nearly isolating Nangade town in a series of attacks. On 1 March, insurgents began setting roadblocks on the R763 south of Nangade town, cutting off the main route between Nangade and Mueda. The same day, insurgents killed two farmers working near the village of Eduardo Mondlane, just east of Litingina. On 2 March, more insurgent roadblocks sprang up near Muiha village, in the northwest of Nangade district, near where the borders...
Insurgents struck throughout Nangade district last week, nearly isolating Nangade town in a series of attacks. On 1 March, insurgents began setting roadblocks on the R763 south of Nangade town, cutting off the main route between Nangade and Mueda. The same day, insurgents killed two farmers working near the village of Eduardo Mondlane, just east of Litingina. On 2 March, more insurgent roadblocks sprang up near Muiha village, in the northwest of Nangade district, near where the borders...
Australian mining company Syrah Resources has resumed production of graphite ahead of schedule at its Balama mine in Cabo Delgado, northern Mozambique, it said in a statement to shareholders on Tuesday. The plant's activities were halted in late March last year following the country's implementat
This paper reviews the latest mechanisation programme by the Mozambican government, asking how it is politically driven and how it shapes and is shaped by agrarian structures. Old ideas about agrarian dualism are reproduced today, albeit with a new language of public-private partnerships that are seen as potentially driving the modernisation of the peasantry. State-sponsored and privately-run service centres, featuring zinc roofed warehouses, are the government’s preferred route to...
The Department of State has designated the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria – Democratic Republic of the Congo (ISIS-DRC) and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria – Mozambique (ISIS-Mozambique) as Foreign Terrorist Organizations under section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended. The Department has also designated ISIS-DRC and ISIS-Mozambique as […]
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration on Wednesday designated two Islamic State affiliates in Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo as “foreign terrorist organizations,” imposing...
Resultante de uma investigação com trabalho de campo em Cabo Delgado em 2018 e 2019, este novo Cadernos IESE nº 21, da autoria de Eric Morier-Genoud, explica a origem, natureza, e dinâmica da guerra no norte de Moçambique com base numa análise da historicidade e das dinâmicas internas das sociedades locais. Defende o argumento segundo o qual é mais produtivo pensar nos insurgentes do Al-Shabaab em termos da sua trajectória histórica, evoluindo de uma seita islâmista para um grupo armado...
Insurgents struck throughout Nangade district last week, nearly isolating Nangade town in a series of attacks. On 1 March, insurgents began setting roadblocks on the R763 south of Nangade town, cutting off the main route between Nangade and Mueda. The same day, insurgents killed two farmers working near the village of Eduardo Mondlane, just east of Litingina. On 2 March, more insurgent roadblocks sprang up near Muiha village, in the northwest of Nangade district, near where the borders...
Themes / Temas
- Access to Services / Acesso a Serviços (16)
- Accountability / Responsabilização (8)
- ADIN (Agency for Integrated Development of the North) (2)
- Budget / Orçamento (7)
- Citizenship & Participation / Cidadania e Participação (7)
- Civic Space / Espaço Cívico (1)
- Civil Society / Sociedade Civil (7)
- Climate Change / Mudanças Climáticas (5)
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- Conflict / Conflito (80)
- Corruption / Corrupção (1)
- Decentralization / Descentralização (15)
- Demographics / Demografia (28)
- Development Banks / Bancos de Desenvolvimento (17)
- Displaced Communities / Comunidades Deslocadas (8)
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- Extractive Industries / Indústrias Extractivas (25)
- FDI - foreign direct investment / IDE - investimento directo estrangeiro (12)
- Fiscal Policy / Política Fiscal (1)
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- Gender / Género (34)
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Sectors / Setores
Geography / Geografia
Methods / Métodos
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Resource type
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Between 1970 and 1979
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (38)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (162)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (129)
- Unknown (11)