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Desde os primeiros anos de independência nacional, em 1975, o objectivo central da política educativa de Moçambique tem sido o de assegurar que todas as crianças em idade escolar tenham acesso à escola e nela permaneçam até concluírem a educação básica. Na prossecução deste objectivo, a expansão do acesso ao ensino primário foi realizada com relativo sucesso, uma vez que já se alcançou uma taxa líquida de cobertura escolar de quase 100%. Contudo, o impressionante aumento das taxas de...
Abstract: From the early days of national independence in 1975, the central aim of the educational policy in Mozambique has been to ensure that all school-age children have access to school and can remain there until they have completed their basic education. In the pursuit of this aim, the extension of access to primary education was achieved relatively successfully, given that it reached a net rate of school coverage of almost 100 per cent. However, the impressive increase in school...
O esforço de inclusão financeira alcançou resultados positivos, tendo a bancarização da população moçambicana aumentado consideravelmente, em particular depois de 2011-12. Contudo, o impacto económico e social foi limitado, considerando que a produtividade agrícola se tem mantido baixa e os níveis de pobreza ainda são elevados. A doutrina neoliberal na esfera económica, a sua expressão nas políticas monetárias restritivas e a fraqueza do sistema de democracia multipartidária têm sido...
Abstract: The financial inclusion effort achieved positive results, with the number of Mozambicans having access to banking services increasing considerably, particularly after 2011–12. However, the economic and social impact was limited, considering that farm productivity has remained low and poverty levels are still high. The neoliberal doctrine in the economic sphere, its expression in the restrictive monetary policies, and the weakness of the multi-party democracy system have been...
This research entitled “The Challenges of Expanding Higher Education and the Formation of Human Capital in Mozambique”, analyzes the quality, sustainability and democratization of Higher Education and its influence on the development of human capital. However, the results of this study show that despite the increase in the number of Universities, in several developing countries, such as Mozambique, many of the poorest people remain in the rural sector and tend to continue there for several...
Themes / Temas
- Youth / Juventude
- Access to Services / Acesso a Serviços (1)
- Citizenship & Participation / Cidadania e Participação (2)
- Education / Educação (3)
- Financial Inclusion / Inclusão Financeira (2)
- Fiscal Policy / Política Fiscal (2)
- Government Policy / Política Governamental (2)
- Monetary Policy / Política Monetária (2)
- Poverty / Pobreza (3)