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Moçambique é um país caracterizado por índices elevados de pobreza onde a prevalência do Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV)/Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (SIDA) é muito alta e a taxa de incidência ainda preocupante, e cujos meios de combate à doença são limitados e dependem, em parte, da ajuda externa. A súbita emergência e rápida expansão da covid-19, a partir do início de 2020, teve um impacto negativo nas condições de tratamento das PVHIV, que, de certa forma, sofreram uma...
O presente capítulo é baseado numa revisão histórica das políticas sociais desenvolvidas em Moçambique. Dentre as políticas sociais do País, a saúde tem sido consistentemente um dos sectores privilegiados. Já durante o tempo colonial, apesar das políticas discriminatórias entre a população indígena e a colonial, a saúde sempre figurou como preocupação governativa, particularmente em benefício das populações trabalhadoras assalariadas, em detrimento das não assalariadas. Além disso, os...
Feminist political economy has illuminated the gendered dimensions of the globalisation of production. Whilst this literature provides essential insights on gendered exploitation in export-oriented industries, women’s work in localised labour markets in the Global South remains underexplored. This paper seeks to address this gap by putting into dialogue three bodies of literature – feminist political economy of globalisation, political economy of development in southern Africa and the social...
Since October 2017, Cabo Delgado Province has been an arena of armed conflict, translating into destruction and looting, abductions and killings of civilian populations. The conflict intensified throughout 2020, with attacks on district headquarters villages, leading to the forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of individuals. The history of armed conflicts in Mozambique shows that they have had enormous impacts on the civilian population, placed between two opposing groups: rebel...
A intensificação do conflito militar no Norte de Cabo Delgado despertou a atenção de jornalistas, investigadores, analistas de segurança e diplomatas. O facto de os rebeldes armados não darem entrevistas a jornalistas e investigadores resulta num grande desconhecimento sobre as suas dinâmicas internas nas zonas ocupadas, pelo que o mundo dos insurgentes constitui um território repleto de mistérios. Por outro lado, o rapto de centenas de jovens mulheres gera interrogações em torno do...
The intensification of the military conflict in Northern Cabo Delgado has attracted the attention of journalists, investigators, security analysts and diplomats. The fact that armed rebels do not give interviews to journalists and researchers results in a great ignorance about their internal dynamics in the occupied areas, and so the world of insurgents is a territory full of mysteries. On the other hand, the abduction of hundreds of young women raises questions about their whereabouts,...
In the last 20 years, social accountability initiatives have facilitated the inclusion and participation of marginalised groups in governance processes. This Policy Briefing focuses on how and what factors prove effective in strengthening women’s voice in processes holding public service providers accountable. We argue that initiatives must: (a) build technical and other forms of capacity amongst women; (b) change formal rules on women’s inclusion; (c) apply political economy analysis to...
In Mozambique, development programmes have traditionally drawn on music as a means to promote social transformation by educating citizens on key social development issues. Shifting the focus from music as a teaching medium to music as a rich source of information can provide vital insights into public opinion and political ideas, and significantly impact the development of citizen engagement projects. Maximum gains for development and civil society agencies can be achieved by mainstreaming...
This paper aimed at estimating the resources required to implement a community Score Card by a typical rural district health team in Uganda, as a mechanism for fostering accountability, utilization and quality of maternal and child healthcare service.
Este relatório de pesquisa buscou especificamente identificar no contexto mundial, regional e nacional as estratégias e as políticas públicas relativamente à situação das raparigas e mulheres, analisar as narrativas e discursos das organizações da sociedade civil e instituições de pesquisa, tanto as que têm como foco os direitos humanos, como as que definem como objecto a promoção da igualdade de género, e analisar o conteúdo dos media nacionais sobre a Covid-19, com destaque para as...
The need for female economic empowerment in Mozambique is clear; just 24% of women have access to wage employment, versus 50% of men. The situation is worse still in urban settings where 19-24-year-old women have the highest unemployment rates in the country. The national rate of formal employment is approximately 13%, and large scale formal job creation in the Oil and Gas sector is yet to materialise. Despite impressive economic growth in recent years, 50% of Mozambicans are still living in...
A realização da consulta pré-natal de alta qualidade está diretamente relacionada aos melhores indicadores maternos e fetais e à prevenção de morbimortalidade materna. Em Moçambique, estudos sobre assistência pré-natal mostram que a maior parte das mulheres fez pré-natal, mas apenas metade fez as quatro ou mais consultas preconizadas pelo Ministério da Saúde. Além disso, as gestantes têm se apresentado aos centros de saúde para fazerem sua primeira consulta pré-natal somente no final do...
This evidence synthesis drew on a mixture of academic and grey literature. While the literature on Kenyan women and Al-Shabaab was quite extensive (albeit with gaps, e.g. on returnees), nothing was found on women and Ansar al-Sunnah/violent extremist groups operating in northeastern Mozambique and the Mozambique-Tanzania cross-border region. This report should be read in conjunction with two earlier reviews of gender and CVE (Idris & Abdelaziz, 2017; Idris, 2019). This report builds on those...
This report addresses the relationship between population growth, age structure, and conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The literature reviewed for this report presents strong evidence that age structure and population growth matter for conflict. There is particularly strong evidence that points to the relationship between young age structure and conflict, although studies that disaggregate types of conflict and characteristics of young age structures (urban, male, etc.) tend to offer...
This study explored effects of couples’ communication and male participation in birth preparedness and complication readiness (BPCR) on delivery in a health facility (“institutional delivery”). A cross-sectional, baseline household survey was conducted in November 2016 prior to an integrated maternal and child health project in Nampula and Sofala Provinces in Mozambique.
O estudo verifica que houve alguns avanços na última década, incluindo: a definição de um quadro regulamentar para o trabalho doméstico, a proliferação de organizações de trabalhadores domésticos filiadas ao movimento sindical e uma maior valorização por parte da sociedade (e dos empregadores) deste sector. No entanto, existem vários desafios, entre os quais: um quadro regulamentar fraco e fracamente implementado; a dificuldade de mobilização colectiva num sector íntimo, disperso, e...
O açúcar tem desempenhado um papel fundamental e controverso em Moçambique. Desde 1996, o Governo moçambicano e a iniciativa privada aproveitaram-se da ideia de que a África é a «última fronteira» do investimento (Diop et al., 2015; The Economist, 2013; Sizemore, 2012) para reinvestir numa economia devastada pela guerra civil e «reabilitá-la». Com um crescimento de sete por cento e, nos últimos anos, uma das taxas mais elevadas de investimento estrangeiro em África, Moçambique tem sido...
Findings: In-depth interviews (n = 30), key informant interviews (n = 1) and focus group discussions (n = 3) captured experiences and perceptions of employment processes. Intra-household decision-making structures mean women may experience additional barriers to join the APE programme, often requiring their husband’s consent. Training programmes outside of the community were viewed positively as an opportunity to build a cohort. However, women reported difficulty leaving family...
In the case of Mozambique, the pandemic came on the heels of two destructive cyclones that had devastated large parts of the country in 2019 and whose consequences were still being felt. In northern Mozambique, increasing violence in Cabo Delgado province resulted in a surge of internally displaced persons into local communities in Cabo Delgado, Nampula and Niassa provinces. With host communities ill equipped to meet the needs of those displaced, this population movement created a new...
The healthcare system in Mozambique is striving to reduce the high maternal and child mortality rates and stay on par with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 3.1). A key strategy to curb maternal and child mortality is to promote the use of professional childbirth services proven to be highly effective in averting maternal deaths. Currently, little is known about the use of childbirth services in Mozambique. The present study investigated the prevalence of professional healthcare...
Themes / Temas
- Gender / Género
- Access to Services / Acesso a Serviços (15)
- Accountability / Responsabilização (3)
- Budget / Orçamento (1)
- Citizenship & Participation / Cidadania e Participação (2)
- Civil Society / Sociedade Civil (3)
- Community scorecard (CSC) / cartão de pontuação comunitária (CPC) (1)
- Conflict / Conflito (6)
- Decentralization / Descentralização (2)
- Demographics / Demografia (3)
- Development Banks / Bancos de Desenvolvimento (2)
- Education / Educação (6)
- Employment / Emprego (5)
- Empowerment / Empoderamento (7)
- Entrepreneurship / Empreendedorismo (6)
- Governance / Governação (2)
- Government Policy / Política Governamental (5)
- Informality / Informalidade (1)
- Institutions / Instituições (3)
- Justice / Justiça (1)
- Law / Direito (1)
- Poverty / Pobreza (12)
- Power / Poder (2)
- Social inclusion & exclusion / inclusão e exclusão social (1)
- Social Protection / Proteção Social (1)
- Society / Sociedade (2)
- Urbanization / Urbanização (1)
- Youth / Juventude (13)
Sectors / Setores
- Agriculture / Agricultura (4)
Health / Saúde
- COVID-19 (2)
- Dignified Care / Atendimento Humanizado / Mau Atendimento (5)
- Health information systems / Sistemas de informação de saúde (1)
- Health Services / Serviços de Saúde (1)
- Maternal and Child Health / Saúde Materna-Infantil (28)
- Social Determinants of Health / Determinantes Sociais da Saúde (1)
- Private Sector / Setor Privado (2)
Geography / Geografia
Mozambique / Moçambique
Central / Centro
- Tete (1)
- North / Norte (33)
South / Sul
- Maputo (1)
Central / Centro
- Rest of the World / Rest of the World (14)
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
- English / Inglês (26)
- Portuguese / Português (15)
Resource type
- Book (1)
- Book Section (4)
- Document (1)
- Journal Article (32)
- Newspaper Article (1)
- Report (37)
- Thesis (4)
- Web Page (1)