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A realização da consulta pré-natal de alta qualidade está diretamente relacionada aos melhores indicadores maternos e fetais e à prevenção de morbimortalidade materna. Em Moçambique, estudos sobre assistência pré-natal mostram que a maior parte das mulheres fez pré-natal, mas apenas metade fez as quatro ou mais consultas preconizadas pelo Ministério da Saúde. Além disso, as gestantes têm se apresentado aos centros de saúde para fazerem sua primeira consulta pré-natal somente no final do...
Various investments could help countries deliver on the universal health coverage (UHC) goals set by the global community; community health is a pillar of many national strategies towards UHC. Yet despite resource mobilization towards this end, little is known about the potential costs and value of these investments, as well as how evidence on the same would be used in related decisions. This qualitative study was conducted to understand the use of evidence in policy and financing decisions...
Evidence suggests that many women experience mistreatment during childbirth in health facilities across the world, but the magnitude of the problem is unknown. The occurrence of disrespect and abuse (D&A) in maternity care services affects the overall quality of care and may undermine women’s trust in the health system. Studies about the occurrence of disrespect and abuse in Mozambican health facilities are scarce. The aim of this study was to explore the experience of women giving birth in...
Background: Despite substantial investment in women’s health over the past two decades, and enthusiastic government support for MDG 5 and SDG 3, health indicators for women in Mozambique remain among the lowest in the world. Maternal mortality stayed constant from 2003 to 2011, with an MMR of 408; the estimated HIV prevalence for women of 15–24 years is over twice that for men; and only 12.1% of women are estimated to be using modern contraception. This study explores the perspectives of...
The paper explores how age, social position or class, and linguistic and cultural background intersect and place women in varying positions of control and vulnerability to obstetric violence in state health institutions in Colombo district, Sri Lanka. Obstetric violence occurs during pregnancy, childbirth and the immediate postpartum period; hence, it is violence that directly affects women. The authors aim to break the traditional culture of silence around obstetric violence and bring...
Although qualitative studies have raised attention to humiliating treatment of women during labour and delivery, there are no reliable estimates of the prevalence of disrespectful and abusive treatment in health facilities. We measured the frequency of reported abusive experiences during facility childbirth in eight health facilities in Tanzania and examined associated factors. The study was conducted in rural northeastern Tanzania. Using a structured questionnaire, we interviewed women who...
Globally, low involvement of men in maternal health care services remains a problem to health care providers and policy makers. Men’s support is essential for making women’s world better. There are increasing debates among policymakers and researchers on the role of men in maternal health programs, which is a challenge in patriarchal societies like Uganda. The aim of the study was to assess companionship during delivery; men’s perception and experiences during pregnancy and delivery.
Background and objective: maternal and neonatal mortality rates in Mozambique are high, due to insufficient numbers of qualified health workers, lack of equipment and materials, referral system deficiency, difficulties to access health services and gender issues. This study assesses the barriers to health care access, regular attendance at ante natal consultations, institutional delivery and postnatal and neonatal follow-up. This is part of the baseline study for an implementation research...
Social accountability in the health sector has been promoted as a strategy to improve the quality and performance of health providers in low- and middle-income countries. Whether improvements occur, however, depends on the willingness and ability of health providers to respond to societal pressure for better care. This article uses a realist approach to review cases of collective citizen action and advocacy with the aim to identify key mechanisms of provider responsiveness. Purposeful...
Primeira sessão do dia aberto ao cidadão, uma iniciativa do conselho municipal da ilha de Moçambique para escutar as questões que atinjem os cerca de 50mil habitantes da primeira capital de Moçambique. As reuniões são realizadas nas comunidades para que de forma franca e aberta os munícipes possam apresentar os seus problemas
Background: In countries, such as Mozambique, where maternal mortality remains high, the greatest contribution of mortality comes from the poor and vulnerable communities, who frequently reside in remote and rural areas with limited access to health care services. This study aimed to understand women’s health care seeking practices during pregnancy, taking into account the underlying social, cultural and structural barriers to accessing timely appropriate care in Maputo and Gaza Provinces,...
Poor quality of care at health facilities is a barrier to pregnant women and their families accessing skilled care. Increasing evidence from low resource countries suggests care women receive during labor and childbirth is sometimes rude, disrespectful, abusive, and not responsive to their needs. However, little is known about how frequently women experience these behaviors. This study is one of the first to report prevalence of respectful maternity care and disrespectful and abusive...
Abstract Recent evidence indicates that disrespectful/abusive/coercive service delivery by skilled providers in facilities, which results in actual or perceived poor quality of care, is directly and indirectly associated with adverse maternal and newborn outcomes. The present article reviews the evidence for disrespectful/abusive care during childbirth in facilities (DACF), describes examples of DACF, discusses organizations active in a rights-based respectful maternity care movement, and...
Introduction: HIV-related stigma and discrimination and disrespect and abuse during childbirth are barriers to use of essential maternal and HIV health services. Greater understanding of the relationship between HIV status and disrespect and abuse during childbirth is required to design interventions to promote women's rights and to increase uptake of and retention in health services; however, few comparative studies of women living with HIV (WLWH) and HIV-negative women...
The objective of this document is to share the results of work undertaken in Mozambique to promote respectful health care, particularly in maternal and neonatal care. With its origins in “humanization of care” efforts in Latin America, this approach centers on the woman and her family and is grounded by principles of ethics and respect for human rights. The approach recognizes a client’s cultural background, and views the client as a person with values and expectations that should be...
Existem actualmente taxas de utente cobradas em grande parte dos serviços de saúde públicos, em Moçambique. No entanto, historicamente, o partido no poder, a FRELIMO, tem sido bastante favorável a uma situação de serviços básicos de saúde gratuitos, e considera que a eliminação de barreiras de acesso à educação e saúde básicas constituem elementos fundamentais da estratégia de redução de Pobreza e de êxito nas Metas de Desenvolvimento do Milénio. O Governo de Moçambique considera ainda que a...
A multi-centre study in four African countries was undertaken to test the acceptability and effectiveness of Health Workers for Change, a methodology to explore provider–client relations within a gender-sensitive context. This intervention addresses the interpersonal component of quality of care. The methodology, consisting of six workshops, was implemented by research teams in Zambia, Senegal, Mozambique and Uganda. It was found to be acceptable within in a range of cultural and primary...
Melhoraram os serviços de maternidade nas unidades sanitárias da Província de Maputo em resultado da introdução de serviços humanizados. Os serviços de maternidade tinham fama de ser mal prestados em várias unidades sanitárias, com destaque para maus tratos por parte das parteiras. A Directora Provincial de Saúde reconhece o facto e se refere a melhorias em resultado da humanização desses serviços que inclui acompanhamento do parto por familiares de utentes. A nossa reportagem teve acesso a...
Em protesto contra a violência e tratamentos degradantes nas unidades sanitáriasno período pré-natal, de parto, e pós-natal, em todo o país, quarenta organisações não-governamentais reuniram-se na terça-feira, 12 de outubro, para exigir a resposabilização administrativa e criminal das profissionais de saúde que atendem essas mulheres nos hospitais.
Três enfermeiras de saúde materno-infantil afectas à maternidade do Hospital Provincial de Chimoio, estão a ser ouvidas pela procuradoria provincial de Manica indiciadas de cobranças ilícitas à parturientes.
Themes / Temas
Sectors / Setores
Geography / Geografia
Language / Linguagem
Resource type
- Journal Article (13)
- Newspaper Article (1)
- Report (2)
- Thesis (1)
- TV Broadcast (2)
- Web Page (1)
Publication year
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (2)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (13)
Between 2020 and 2025
- 2020 (2)
- Unknown (3)