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Em Moçambique, a sociedade civil aponta falta de transparência e pede esclarecimentos ao Governo sobre os 14 mil contratos sem concurso público e os 68 mil milhões de meticais gastos durante o estado de emergência.
The Coronavirus pandemic arrives in Mozambique at a time when, after several years of modest economic performance, the Mozambican economy was starting to show signs of recovery. Hence, the latest projections of the IMF of November 2019 had the Mozambican economy growing at 6% in 2020, with medium term projections reaching 9% and above after 2023, following the initiation of LNG exploration operations in the north of the country. Despite this improving macroeconomic outlook prior to the...
Nas últimas décadas, houve uma ressurgência de interesse na Segurança Social como instrumento redistributivo capaz de reduzir a pobreza e a desigualdade e promover o crescimento económico inclusivo. Este crescente interesse a nível global deve-se ao reconhecimento de que o desenvolvimento social não resulta inevitavelmente do crescimento económico, e, aliás, pode ser bem o contrário: que formas de Segurança Social vinculadas ao emprego formal são inadequadas dada a informalidade generalizada...
O principal foco do estudo são os diferentes enquadramentos da tonalidade discursiva adoptada pelos media nas suas narrativas sobre o novo coronavírus. Nesta perspectiva, a principal concentração como objecto de estudo são a rádio, a televisão, o jornal e as redes sociais da Internet. Neste último medium, escolhemos analisar especificamente as narrativas do Facebook e WhatsApp por serem as redes sociais mais populares em Moçambique. Socorremo-nos de duas metodologias de estudo bastante...
The main focus of the report is the impact of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic on democracy and freedom around the world. It looks at how the pandemic resulted in the withdrawal of civil liberties on a massive scale and fuelled an existing trend of intolerance and censorship of dissenting opinion (see page 14). The report also examines the state of US democracy after a tumultuous year dominated by the coronavirus pandemic, the Black Lives Matter movement and a hotly contested presidential...
In the case of Mozambique, the pandemic came on the heels of two destructive cyclones that had devastated large parts of the country in 2019 and whose consequences were still being felt. In northern Mozambique, increasing violence in Cabo Delgado province resulted in a surge of internally displaced persons into local communities in Cabo Delgado, Nampula and Niassa provinces. With host communities ill equipped to meet the needs of those displaced, this population movement created a new...
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- Blog Post (1)
- Book Section (2)
- Report (3)