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Proposed Development Objective(s) Parent The project development objective is to integrate rural households into sustainable agriculture and forest-based value chains in the Project area and, in the event of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, to provide immediate and effective response to said Eligible Crisis or Emergency. Components Agriculture and Forest-Based Value Chain Development Securing Land Tenure Rights and Increasing Natural Resources Resilience Project Coordination and Management Contingency Emergency Response
This is the ninth report reconciling payments made by companies operating in the extractive industry and receipts from the State. 97% of tax revenues from the extractive industry were reconciled. The differences between the payments by the companies and the receipts from the State correspond to 0,17% of the amounts confirmed by the State in 2019
Coastal livelihood interventions can help communities by providing additional incomes, while protecting and maintaining resources and the environment. The identification and promotion of resilient and diversified livelihood opportunities are crucial to enhance communities’ adaptive capacity to respond to the multiple stresses and shocks in a changing coastal environment. Coastal livelihood opportunities are especially important in their support for biodiversity conservation in and around...
Final JICA report on Nacala Corridor Development Project, whose objectives include: to clarify organizations for promoting and coordinating the implementation of development strategies for the Nacala Corridor Region in accordance with PEDEC-Nacala and to prepare for the implementation of high priority projects in accordance with PEDEC-Nacala. The study project commenced in April 2012 and the final study report was produced in April 2015.
Research Findings - It is unlikely that the extractives sector can any time soon be used to finance visionary transformation strategies aimed at achieving economic diversification. Due to the country’s fiscal situation and delays in developing the offshore natural gas sector, it seems that extractives will not provide additional revenues for at least another decade, if not longer. If the fiscal crisis results in the further deterioration of the provision of public goods and services, the...
This report examines Haiyu’s conduct including what the company did or failed to do in acquiring the right to land for use of mining activity in Nagonha, what it did or failed to do in its operations in Nagonha, and what it did or failed to do in response to the villagers’ demand for compensation and resettlement following the flood. The report looks specifically at the breach of the right to adequate housing and decent living standards ensuing from Haiyu’s destruction of the wetland, and...
Within the framework of this strategy, Swedish development cooperation with Mozambique aims to make use of the increased interest and potential to utilise the country's natural resources in a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable way. It also aims to improve opportunities for people living in poverty to contribute to and benefit from economic and democratic development. The strategy is valid for the period 2015–2020 and comprises a total of SEK 4.1 billion.
Within the framework of this strategy, Swedish development cooperation with Mozambique aims to make use of the increased interest and potential to utilise the country's natural resources in a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable way. It also aims to improve opportunities for people living in poverty to contribute to and benefit from economic and democratic development. The strategy is valid for the period 2015–2020 and comprises a total of SEK 4.1 billion.
O gás de Moçambique pode ser usado para promover industrialização e desenvolvimento rural desde que, a partir de agora, sejam feitas as opções correctas. As actuais prioridades vão para os megaprojectos baseados na exportação, que prometem altos rendimentos mas que, tal como os megaprojectos anteriores, fazem pouco pela criação de empregos ou pela redução da pobreza. Os megaprojectos custando dezenas de bilhões de dólares são essenciais, mas o Conselho de Ministros pode orientar as...
Mozambique’s gas can be used to promote industrialisation and rural development, but only if key choices are made now. Current priorities are for export based mega-projects promising high revenues, but like past mega-projects doing little to create jobs or reduce poverty. Mega-projects costing tens of billions of dollars are essential, but the Council of Ministers can instruct that negotiations give a higher priority to using the gas to create a domestic industry and jobs, even if it reduces short term income.
Themes / Temas
- Development Banks / Bancos de Desenvolvimento (2)
- Economic Development / Desenvolvimento Económico (2)
- Extractive Industries / Indústrias Extractivas (5)
- FDI - foreign direct investment / IDE - investimento directo estrangeiro (4)
- Governance / Governação (1)
- Poverty / Pobreza (1)
- Rural Development / Desenvolvimento Rural (2)
Sectors / Setores
Geography / Geografia
Mozambique / Moçambique
- Central / Centro (1)
North / Norte
- Cabo Delgado (4)
- Nacala (1)
- Nampula (1)
- Lichinga (1)