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Recommendations: 1. On planning and budgeting, greater coordination is recommended between planning (setting priorities) and budgeting (financial apportionment). Transformation of all District Health Services, Women and Social Action (SDSMAS) into Management Beneficiary Units (MBU) is necessary. 2. Stakeholders should bet more on application of national public financial management systems (PFM). The use of parallel financial systems instead of enabling the National Health System (NHS) to be...
Background: Striving to foster collaboration among countries suffering from maternal and child health (MCH) inequities, the MASCOT project mapped and analyzed the use of research in strategies tackling them in 11 low- and middle-income countries. This article aims to present the way in which research influenced MCH policies and programs in six of these countries – three in Africa and three in Latin America. Methods: Qualitative research using a thematic synthesis narrative process was used...
Background: Maternal mortality remains a daunting problem in Mozambique and many other low-resource countries. High quality antenatal care (ANC) services can improve maternal and newborn health outcomes and increase the likelihood that women will seek skilled delivery care. This study explores the factors influencing provider uptake of the recommended package of ANC interventions in Mozambique. Methods: This study used qualitative research methods including key informant interviews with...
This case study was commissioned by N’weti Comunicação para a Saúde to explore the changes emerging from the implementation of an adapted version of the Community Scorecard (CSC) tool in 11 health facilities catchment areas in Nampula. This case study discusses how N’weti has adapted the Community Scorecard (CSC) tool to better improve the quality of the participation and prospects of accountability for citizens. The case study presents evidence that the adapted CSC tool has resulted in an...
Background: As low-income countries strive to meet targets for Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5, there is growing need to track coverage and quality of high-impact peripartum interventions. At present, nationally representative household surveys conducted in low-income settings primarily measure contact with the health system, shedding little light on content or quality of care. The objective of this study is to validate the ability of women in Mozambique to report on facility-based care...
The Citizen Engagement Program (CEP) supports citizens to monitor the quality of health and education service delivery in 4 of the 11 provinces of Mozambique, as well as to advocate for the improvement of the quality of those services at the district, provincial and national levels. The CEP aims at contributing towards the increased availability of relevant information for citizens to better access and benefit from services delivered by the public sector; improving citizens' capacity to...
O presente estudo pretende compreender como são desenvolvidas as ações de prevenção do HIV do Programa Geração Biz (PGB) direcionadas aos jovens dos 15-24 anos e, dessa forma buscar a compreensão da possível vulnerabilidade destes a infecção pelo HIV no distrito de Nhamatanda em Moçambique. Para o alcance deste desiderato baseei-me numa abordagem qualitativa, embasada no método etnográfico. No processo de coleta de dados privilegiei a observação participante, complementada por entrevistas...
Em Setembro de 2012, o Governo de Moçambique anunciou a mudança de critérios para o cálculo das taxas de cobertura de abastecimento de água nas zonas rurais. Com efeito, de 500 pessoas para um poço ou furo equipado com uma bomba manual, num raio de 500 metros, passou -se para 300 pessoas para um poço ou furo equipado com uma bomba manual. Esta mudança de critérios acontece mais de 15 anos depois da aprovação da Política Nacional de Águas (PNA) e resulta da constatação de que, em muitos...
The objective of this document is to share the results of work undertaken in Mozambique to promote respectful health care, particularly in maternal and neonatal care. With its origins in “humanization of care” efforts in Latin America, this approach centers on the woman and her family and is grounded by principles of ethics and respect for human rights. The approach recognizes a client’s cultural background, and views the client as a person with values and expectations that should be...
This study presents an analytical ‘picture’ of the rural water sub-sector in Mozambique, describing the legal framework, mechanisms for coordination, harmonisation, funding, accountability, participation and supervision. The study was commissioned for the Sustainable Services at Scale, or Triple-S, initiative, which aims to contribute to improving the sustainability of global rural water supply. According to the general population census carried out in 2007, Mozambique had a total population...
The number of people on antiretroviral treatment in Mozambique has increased by over 1,500 percent since it first became free and publicly available in 2004. The rising count of “lives saved” seems to portray a success story of high-tech treatment being provided in one of the poorest contexts in the world, as people with AIDS experience dramatic recoveries and live longer. The “scale-up” has had significant social effects, however, as it unfolds in a region with a complicated history...
See english abstract below. Pesquisa centrada nas políticas públicas do governo moçambicano para o setor da saúde, com foco voltado para programas de assistência à saúde materno-infantil. Tem o propósito de apresentar contextos básicos para a reflexão sobre a filosofia da implantação e implementação dos programas e a inserção da Enfermagem, mostrando seus marcos evolutivos. Constatou-se que, na década 70, o Sistema Nacional de Saúde adotou o Programa de Proteção Materno-Infantil, que na...
Activating communities to achieve public health change and initiate policy reform usually requires collective action from many entities. This case study analyzes inter-organizational networks among members of a coalition created to expand health insurance coverage to uninsured children in a large metropolitan area. Six networks were measured: collaboration, competition, formal agreements, receive funding from, send funding to, and greater communication. The response rate was 65.8% (50 of the...
Existem actualmente taxas de utente cobradas em grande parte dos serviços de saúde públicos, em Moçambique. No entanto, historicamente, o partido no poder, a FRELIMO, tem sido bastante favorável a uma situação de serviços básicos de saúde gratuitos, e considera que a eliminação de barreiras de acesso à educação e saúde básicas constituem elementos fundamentais da estratégia de redução de Pobreza e de êxito nas Metas de Desenvolvimento do Milénio. O Governo de Moçambique considera ainda que a...
The article discusses some of the economic effects of war in northern Mozambique. It indicates how the historical and structural features of the economy of northern Mozambique restricted post-war reconstruction and post-war poverty alleviation. These features include the dominance of only a few cash crops for export, the absence of much rural trading, poor communication infrastructure, and weak political and state institutions. The specific nature of the internal war further weakened the...
The health sector in Mozambique has made significant progress in terms of increasing coverage of services. However, health remains a major concern in the area of poverty reduction. The study describes the health status of the population, especially of the poor, and how the sector responds to the needs. Huge inequalities continue to exist with regards to resource allocation, deployment of staff and availability of services among various geographic areas, between the urban and rural...
This article presents results from a study on the use and appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in Mozambique with a focus on the health sector. The three provinces of Gaza, Inhambane and Niassa were surveyed and two questionnaires addressing 1) computer users and their ability to manage ICT, and 2) health workers and their handling of health information, were used. Based on this study appropriate strategies for developing an ICT-infrastructure with the needs of...
In this learning object you will be able to: Explore the changes needed in service delivery to reduce the number of patients who go to health facilities. Identify good practices in terms of the role of Community Health Workers to provide services, use of digital and telemedicine services, and Family Planning modeling and use of private sector to deliver services. Reflect about possible required changes in participating countries’ health services.
Themes / Temas
- Access to Services / Acesso a Serviços
- Accountability / Responsabilização (10)
- Budget / Orçamento (3)
- Citizenship & Participation / Cidadania e Participação (5)
- Civil Society / Sociedade Civil (1)
- Collaboration / Colaboração (1)
- Community scorecard (CSC) / cartão de pontuação comunitária (CPC) (2)
- Conflict / Conflito (3)
- Decentralization / Descentralização (6)
- Education / Educação (2)
- Empowerment / Empoderamento (3)
- Fragility / Fragilidade (2)
- Gender / Género (14)
- Governance / Governação (3)
- Government Policy / Política Governamental (3)
- Institutions / Instituições (4)
- Justice / Justiça (2)
- Mobilization / Mobilização (2)
- Poverty / Pobreza (1)
- Rural Development / Desenvolvimento Rural (1)
- Security / Segurança (2)
- Social inclusion & exclusion / inclusão e exclusão social (2)
- Taxation / Tributação (2)
- Youth / Juventude (3)
Sectors / Setores
Health / Saúde
- COVID-19 (1)
- Dignified Care / Atendimento Humanizado / Mau Atendimento (5)
- Health information systems / Sistemas de informação de saúde (1)
- Maternal and Child Health / Saúde Materna-Infantil (15)
- Social Determinants of Health / Determinantes Sociais da Saúde (2)
- WASH / Água, higiene e saneamento (2)
Geography / Geografia
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
Resource type
- Book Section (1)
- Journal Article (21)
- Report (14)
- Thesis (1)
- Web Page (1)