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O livro aborda a questão da descentralização mediante uma abordagem multidisciplinar e multissectorial, considerando o ângulo visual de tipo político, assim como institucional, da administração pública ou da burocracia, da economia, das finanças (públicas) e da sociedade. O objectivo que se põe tem a ver com o relacionamento entre descentralização e democracia. Trata-se de um assunto conhecido e enfrentado várias vezes no debate próprio da ciência política: será que uma maior...
The book approaches the topic in a multidisciplinary and multisectoral manner and considers different viewpoints, including political, institutional and that of public administration, finances and society. The authors look at the relationship between decentralisation and democratisation, a subject debated in political sciences: Does decentralisation correspond to a more advanced level of democracy? Regarding its life as a democracy, Moçambique is still a young country and the book provides a...
The purpose of this Country Evaluation Brief is to present relevant knowledge about donors’ development efforts in Mozambique. The brief systematises relevant findings from existing evaluations of development interventions in the country. The idea is to present the findings to the reader in a succinct and easily accessible format.
Without much preparation, Indonesia, in 2000, at a stroke replaced the previous system of centralized government and development planning with a wide range of decentralization programs. The reforms gave greater authority, political power, and financial resources directly to regencies and municipalities, bypassing the provinces. The powers transferred include those of executing a wide range of responsibilities in the areas of health, primary and middle-level education, public works,...
This paper analyses inclusive land governance in Mozambique. It focuses on the country’s legal framework and the DUAT, the right to use and benefit from the land. The DUAT is a distinctive element of the Mozambican legislation that has land as the property of the state but recognises land use rights for occupants and users on the basis of a unitary system of tenure. The challenges of putting in practice what is thought to be one of Africa’s most progressive legal frameworks are discussed....
The government of Mozambique remains confident that its mining boom is set to accelerate in the coming years, despite weak sentiment in the global mining industry. Rising coal production and an eventual rebound in global prices will spur some growth in Mozambique's mining sector in 2016‑20 but we expect that, weighed down by infrastructure deficits and non-competitive policies, it will remain a relatively small contributor to GDP growth. Mozambique has untapped coal reserves estimated to...
This report relates to urbanisation as it is currently happening in Mozambique. It explores the present situation of cities and the government’s planned urbanisation strategy. It also discusses how the country plans to transition to a majority urban population. The report also discusses the impact of the urbanisation strategy on the regional development of the country through the promotion of growth corridors. To discuss this message, Future Cities Africa has selected three cities along the...
This article aims to analyse and explain the reasons behind the CSOs’ strong criticism of the ProSavana programme. This will contribute toward: (1) understanding the role of Mozambican CSOs as actors regulating international development cooperation projects; (2) revealing the political and economic interests behind ProSavana, as a first step toward a more critical approach to trilateral cooperation; and (3) illustrating through this case how a partnership between Brazil and “traditional”...
In the framework of efforts to fight extreme poverty and recognising the importance and need to protect the poor and vulnerable population, in 2007 Mozambique approved Law No. 4/2007 which structured social protection into three levels, including basic social security. In 2010 the first National Basic Social Security Strategy (ENSSB I) was approved for the period 2010–2014, including a set of old (e.g. the Basic Social Security Programme—PSSB) and new (e.g. the Productive Social Action...
Tema: Estrutura Geológica de Moçambique A estrutura geológica de Moçambique é resultado da interacção de vários processos, sobretudo os endógenos (internos) e exógenos (externos), que se fizeram sentir e ainda sentem-se na actual região da África Austral, onde Moçambique faz parte. Do ponto de vista geológico, Moçambique apresenta duas grandes unidades geológicas: Pré-câmbrico Fanerozóico
Seed systems in Mozambique There are three identified dominant seed systems in Mozambique, namely informal seed system (mainly farmer-saved seed), the intermediary (mainly administered by the NGOs and communitybased organizations) and the formal seed system that includes public sector and private sector (local and international seed companies). The farmer-saved and intermediary systems account for the bulk of seed volume transacted across the country (90%) focusing mainly on the local...
Indonesia's trade policy has evolved over the last 50 years. It has been influenced by the country's level of development and the conflict between openness and protectionism; external developments, such as commodity booms and busts and increased competition; and international commitments, whether multilateral or regional. As a result, trade policy has often been ambivalent and ineffective. Given that Indonesia has undergone various transformations and that the world is a different place from...
Em Fevereiro de 2008 e Setembro de 2010, as cidades de Maputo e Matola foram palco de protestos violentos contra a subida do custo de vida, protagonizados por grupos de populares. Tais protestos foram logo depois replicados em algumas outras cidades do país, mas numa dimensão bem mais restrita e rapidamente controlados pelas forças policiais. Em Novembro de 2012, um novo protesto se desenhou, mas a acção repressiva imediata nos locais críticos de concentração dos populares pelas forças da...
This paper analyses the social networks existing among politicians and economists in contemporary Mozambique, using the SNA-Social Networks Analysis method to identify the links between these individuals, to discern their relationships and to measure both the density and the centrality of the political-business network. Mozambique’s political and business elite is thus identified. A network sociogram is presented identifying the individual position in the network and the linkages among these...
This report provides a brief examination of how and where gender analysis is incorporated into Political Economy Analysis (PEA). An initial review of the literature indicates that gender is not systematically included in PEA. This was also conveyed by a number of experts consulted for this report, who stated that few if any PEAs to their knowledge had included a gender analysis, with the issue usually treated only in passing. The report nevertheless highlights the existing examples of...
Despite studies on microfinance (MF) or development of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Asia developing countries, including countries as member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN), are growing, not so much attention have been given to the role of MF in financing micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Based on a key literaturestudy and analysis of secondary/national data, the main aim of this study is to fill this gap. It shows ...
Since independence in 1975, development in Mozambique has been guided by a sequence of Five Year Plans, (Planos Quinquenais de Desenvolvimento). In 2002 the Government of Mozambique (GOM) initiated a series of reforms in all development sectors, aiming to start a process of decentralisation and bringing management closer to the lower levels of state organisation (Provinces and Districts). For the Municipalities, a devolution model was chosen that is currently in the process of being rolled...
O Inquérito Demográfico e de Saúde (IDS) em Moçambique faze parte dum programa internacional de inquéritos (MEASURE DHS) desenvolvido pelo ICF International através de um contrato com a USAID, com o propósito de apoiar aos governos e instituições privadas dos países em desenvolvimento na realização de inquéritos nacionais por amostragem, nas áreas de população e saúde. O Programa MEASURE DHS tem por objectivo: • Subsidiar a formulação de políticas e implementação de programas nas áreas de...
O presente estudo pretende compreender como são desenvolvidas as ações de prevenção do HIV do Programa Geração Biz (PGB) direcionadas aos jovens dos 15-24 anos e, dessa forma buscar a compreensão da possível vulnerabilidade destes a infecção pelo HIV no distrito de Nhamatanda em Moçambique. Para o alcance deste desiderato baseei-me numa abordagem qualitativa, embasada no método etnográfico. No processo de coleta de dados privilegiei a observação participante, complementada por entrevistas...
O artigo está organizado em quatro secções. A primeira secção aborda a seguinte questão: “Qual é a essência do real problema que o conteúdo e a operacionalização da ASP não identifica correctamente?” Esta questão é respondida em dois momentos ou subcapítulos. Inicia-se por sublinhar a importância da distinção entre os principais meios de aquisição da riqueza para a identificação do problema real da sociedade moçambicana e relevante para o debate sobre a pobreza. De seguida, apresenta-se um...
Themes / Temas
- Access to Services / Acesso a Serviços (3)
- Accountability / Responsabilização (2)
- Citizenship & Participation / Cidadania e Participação (1)
- Civil Society / Sociedade Civil (3)
- Climate Change / Mudanças Climáticas (1)
- Conflict / Conflito (2)
- Decentralization / Descentralização (7)
- Demographics / Demografia (8)
- Development Banks / Bancos de Desenvolvimento (3)
- Economic Development / Desenvolvimento Económico (1)
- Education / Educação (1)
- Empowerment / Empoderamento (1)
- Entrepreneurship / Empreendedorismo (2)
- Extractive Industries / Indústrias Extractivas (2)
- FDI - foreign direct investment / IDE - investimento directo estrangeiro (1)
- Gender / Género (5)
- Governance / Governação (3)
- Government Policy / Política Governamental (3)
- Law / Direito (1)
- Poverty / Pobreza (3)
- Social inclusion & exclusion / inclusão e exclusão social (1)
- Social Protection / Proteção Social (5)
- Society / Sociedade (1)
- Urbanization / Urbanização (1)
- Youth / Juventude (2)
Sectors / Setores
Geography / Geografia
Mozambique / Moçambique
Central / Centro
- Sofala (1)
- North / Norte (33)
Central / Centro
- Rest of the World / Rest of the World (10)
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
- English / Inglês (30)
- Portuguese / Português (15)
Resource type
- Artwork (2)
- Blog Post (1)
- Book (4)
- Book Section (3)
- Conference Paper (1)
- Journal Article (5)
- Magazine Article (1)
- Presentation (2)
- Report (27)
- Thesis (1)
- Web Page (2)