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Research has highlighted disparities in family planning outcomes by wealth and by region separately. This analysis examines regional disparities within specific poverty groups. Twelve USAID family planning priority countries with recent DHS or AIS surveys were selected for the analysis, including 11 DHS surveys (Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, Malawi, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda Uganda, and Zambia) and one AIS survey (Mozambique). The measure of absolute...
An external evaluation of the project was conducted in April - May 2019. It looked into the strategy, performance and attainment of the general development goals. The results of the evaluation will be taken into account in the planning of a possible second phase of the project. According to the evaluation, the project is highly relevant both for the strategic partnership between Finland and Mozambique, as well as for the sustainability and inclusiveness of the economic growth arising from...
Gender equality is enshrined in Mozambique’s Constitution and promoted through its participation in international conventions and treaties as well as its 2004 Family Code, which requires equality in property and family law, including sharing of assets within marriage (International Federation for Human Rights, 2007; UN Women, 2012). During the launch of a National Plan of Action on Women, Peace, and Security in June 2018, the Minister of Gender, Children, and Social Welfare reiterated the...
How and to what degree is the World Bank putting its new institutional citizen engagement (CE) commitments into practice? This question guides an independent assessment that the Accountability Research Center (ARC) at American University has undertaken as part of the Institute of Development Studies (IDS)-led Action for Empowerment and Accountability (A4EA) research programme’s investigation into how external actors can best support local processes of and conditions for empowerment and...
The laws and regulations for hiring foreign nationals have been enacted with the aim of protecting the national workforce, ensuring the availability of jobs for them, while limiting employment of foreigners to those positions with levels of technical and professional skills and qualifications which are either nonexistent or insufficient in the country. Historically, the main instrument used by the Mozambican Government to achieve foreign investment promotion balanced with national...
Mozambique has a challenging path ahead if it is to realise the full potential of the ICT sector in developing its economy and to make progress on the information communication technology targets that are intended as enabling the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Mozambique’s successes include licensing and regulatory achievements in telecommunications, which have stimulated competition and contributed to meeting national policy objectives.
WHAT IS SOCIAL COHESION? Social cohesion is a concept with various interpretations.2 Some definitions emphasize social harmony and inclusion, human solidarity in diversity, and the inclusive wellbeing of a community or society. Others focus on the social fabric: the abundance of connections and associations in a society, and the presence of linkages and counterbalances that shape the relationship between citizen and the state. CRS views social cohesion as the strength, quality and diversity...
On October 5, 2017, a group of armed men attacked three police stations in Moçimboa da Praia, starting nearly two years of violence and insecurity that still show no sign of ending. Between the first October incident and August 27, 2019, extremists conducted 173 attacks—79 percent of which were committed against civilians—resulting in over 350 deaths, according to the Armed Conflict Location and Event Database (ACLED).1 There is no consensus on the name or construct of the group committing...
This is the ninth report reconciling payments made by companies operating in the extractive industry and receipts from the State. 97% of tax revenues from the extractive industry were reconciled. The differences between the payments by the companies and the receipts from the State correspond to 0,17% of the amounts confirmed by the State in 2019
Key Messages: - Health is a human right and is constitutionally protected in Mozambique; - The health sector is considered a priority sector by the Government of Mozambique; - The health sector is amongst the least funded by the State Budget in the past four years, (with less than 8% on average), against the 15% assumed in Abuja; - For the year 2014, of the 762.8 million USD allocated to the health sector, 44% came from external sources (REO MOH, 2014). The combined PROSAUDE resources,...
Key messages: 1. The envelope of resources for the 2019 State Budget is set to increase to MT 340 billion (from MT 303 billion in 2018), representing Mozambique’s largest nominal budget; however, once factoring in the depreciated currency and high inflation of recent years as well as high debt servicing payments, the purchasing power of this envelope –including for priority sectors– no longer represents a historical high. 2. The share of resources dedicated to investment in Mozambique has...
A recent study on information disclosure in the extractive sector has found 18 factors that result in citizen and institutional (state and non-state) inaction in demanding government accountability. Conducted by the Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR) in collaboration with the Centre for Public Integrity (CIP), as part of the Action for Empowerment and Accountability (A4EA) research programme, the study shows that citizens and/or institutions are unlikely to...
Key Recommendations: 1. Gender and other general policies in the agricultural sector should be revised to reflect clear priorities for lowering post-harvest losses (PHL). 2. Crop scientists should be trained and crop-specific PHM research infrastructure should be developed so that PHM can be included as a research component for all crops. 3. Academic and research units should be located in the field, close to the farmers, so that researchers and/or university students are closer to the...
The aims of this paper are: 1) to highlight how multi-stakeholder country platforms, built on development effectiveness principles, in line with the globally agreed recommendations of IHP+2, can be reinforced within the framework of the Global Strategy and its supporting mechanisms and are key to the Global Strategy’s successful implementation; and 2) to lay out key considerations for new multi-stakeholder country platforms, along with the relevant mechanisms and a minimum set of standards...
The African Development Bank Group’s Country Strategy Paper (CSP) 2018-22 for Mozambique comes at a time when the country adopted its long term development strategy ‘ENDE’ 2015-35. The CSP was prepared on the basis of extensive consultations held with the Government of Mozambique, Development Partners, the private sector and the civil society. The main objective of the ENDE is the improvement of the livelihoods of the population through the structural transformation of the economy, and the...
Final JICA report on Nacala Corridor Development Project, whose objectives include: to clarify organizations for promoting and coordinating the implementation of development strategies for the Nacala Corridor Region in accordance with PEDEC-Nacala and to prepare for the implementation of high priority projects in accordance with PEDEC-Nacala. The study project commenced in April 2012 and the final study report was produced in April 2015.
O Inquérito de Indicadores de Imunização, Malária e HIV/SIDA (IMASIDA 2015) em Moçambique foi realizado no âmbito de The DHS Program e vem no seguimento de quatro inquéritos anteriores, com o objectivo de determinar indicadores de saúde da mulher e da criança no país, tais como a fecundidade; gravidez e maternidade na adolescência; preferências de fecundidade; planeamento familiar; consultas pré-natais; assistência ao parto; vacinação de crianças; infecções respiratórias agudas; diarreia e...
The Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health 2016-30 highlights the importance of adolescent health and well-being as being essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030. For adolescents to survive, thrive and transform their societies, the global community needs to invest in their health and well-being. Today’s adolescents are well-positioned to mobilize their peers, advocate for increased resources for sexual and reproductive health and...
Over the last decade, Mozambique has been one of the fastest-growing African economies, enjoying average economic growth of about 8% between 2004 and 2015. It received strong support from the international community during the period (for example, in 2014 it received US$2 billion in official development assistance). In parallel, the country has embarked on major reforms — especially fiscal reforms and tax administration — and has opened up to foreign investment, particularly for the exploitation of its natural resources.
This report examines Haiyu’s conduct including what the company did or failed to do in acquiring the right to land for use of mining activity in Nagonha, what it did or failed to do in its operations in Nagonha, and what it did or failed to do in response to the villagers’ demand for compensation and resettlement following the flood. The report looks specifically at the breach of the right to adequate housing and decent living standards ensuing from Haiyu’s destruction of the wetland, and...
Themes / Temas
- Access to Services / Acesso a Serviços (6)
- Accountability / Responsabilização (10)
- Budget / Orçamento (6)
- Citizenship & Participation / Cidadania e Participação (9)
- Civic Space / Espaço Cívico (3)
- Civil Society / Sociedade Civil (12)
- Climate Change / Mudanças Climáticas (4)
- Conflict / Conflito (17)
- Decentralization / Descentralização (12)
- Demographics / Demografia (8)
- Development Banks / Bancos de Desenvolvimento (15)
- Displaced Communities / Comunidades Deslocadas (3)
- Economic Development / Desenvolvimento Económico (5)
- Education / Educação (7)
- Electoral Geography / Geografia Eleitoral (2)
- Employment / Emprego (5)
- Empowerment / Empoderamento (2)
- Entrepreneurship / Empreendedorismo (3)
- Extractive Industries / Indústrias Extractivas (6)
- FDI - foreign direct investment / IDE - investimento directo estrangeiro (6)
- Fragility / Fragilidade (1)
- Gender / Género (23)
- Governance / Governação (21)
- Government Policy / Política Governamental (3)
- Institutions / Instituições (3)
- Justice / Justiça (1)
- Law / Direito (1)
- Mobilization / Mobilização (1)
- Poverty / Pobreza (23)
- Power / Poder (1)
- Rural Development / Desenvolvimento Rural (3)
- Security / Segurança (2)
- Social inclusion & exclusion / inclusão e exclusão social (7)
- Social Protection / Proteção Social (6)
- Society / Sociedade (2)
- South-South Cooperation / Cooperação sul-sul (1)
- Taxation / Tributação (1)
- Transparency / Transparência (1)
- Urbanization / Urbanização (6)
- Youth / Juventude (13)
Sectors / Setores
Geography / Geografia
Mozambique / Moçambique
- Central / Centro (3)
- North / Norte (76)
South / Sul
- Maputo (1)
- Rest of the World / Rest of the World (18)
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
Resource type
Publication year
- Between 2000 and 2025 (143)
- Unknown (2)