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Nacala Transport Corridor Phase III: Executive Summary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

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Nacala Transport Corridor Phase III: Executive Summary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
The Government of Mozambique (GoM), acting through the national roads administration (ANE) has made requests to international financial institutions including the African Development Bank, for the improvement of transport infrastructure and for strengthening the institutional capacity of the roads sector. ANE plans to apply a portion of these funds to the environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) of the project for the rehabilitation of the N13, Cumanba-Mandimba-Lichinga (302 km). The road passes through many small towns and villages and is divided into three sections namely, Cuamba-Mandimba: 148 km (flat terrain), Mandimba-Lichinga148 km: (winding terrain, with some mountainous areas reaching about 1,400m in Lichinga) and MandimbaMalawi Border: 6 km (winding terrain). The N13 is part of two corridors: Nacala –N13/N1and Lichinga – N14/N1 providing a strategic link with the border of Malawi in Mandimba, the ports of Nacala and Pemba in the provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado respectively. The road also has the potential to contribute towards poverty reduction and stimulate the development of the country. The road is in fair conditions during the dry season but deteriorates during the rainy season due to poor drainage system and soil erosion. The width of the road varies between 5 and more than 10m and is usually lower than the surrounding terrain.
African Development Bank
Library Catalogue
Ali, A. A. O. (2012). Nacala Transport Corridor Phase III: Executive Summary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment. African Development Bank. https://www.afdb.org/en/documents/document/mozambique-nacala-transport-corridor-phase-iii-esia-summary-28731
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