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Mozambique's social protection system: an overview of the Basic Social Subsidy Programme (PSSB), the Direct Social Action Programme (PASD), the Productive Social Action Programme (PASP) and the Social Assistance Services (PAUS)

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Mozambique's social protection system: an overview of the Basic Social Subsidy Programme (PSSB), the Direct Social Action Programme (PASD), the Productive Social Action Programme (PASP) and the Social Assistance Services (PAUS)
Mozambique has four main social protection responses in place, including a cash transfer programme (the Basic Social Subsidy Programme—PSSB), a food voucher and in-kind transfer programme (Direct Social Action Programme—PASD), a public works programme (Productive Social Action Programme—PASP), and a set of institutional care services for vulnerable adults, elderly people and children without a home (Social Assistance Services—PAUS). We open this brief with an analysis of relevant social protection policies in Mozambique, followed by a description of the institutional set-up of the Mozambican social protection system. The following section discusses the core features of each of the country’s four flagship social policies, assessing the scale of these programmes and how they relate to each other. In the conclusion, we recall previous critiques regarding the excessive amount of categorical criteria mediating eligibility for these Mozambican social protection initiatives. We make the case for expediting the implementation of the recently developed management and information system—e-INAS—in the hope that it will integrate the databases of the flagship social protection initiatives and increase their reach. Most importantly, we question whether the active search for beneficiaries by health workers contributes to the equity of the PASD, and propose impact evaluation studies for the country’s flagship social programmes, which can lead to a rational revamping of the entire social protection system.
Report Number
Report Type
Working Paper
International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
Short Title
Mozambique's social protection system
03/09/2022, 12:21
Library Catalogue
RePEc - Econpapers
Arruda, P. (2018). Mozambique’s social protection system: an overview of the Basic Social Subsidy Programme (PSSB), the Direct Social Action Programme (PASD), the Productive Social Action Programme (PASP) and the Social Assistance Services (PAUS) (Working Paper No. 173). International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth. https://econpapers.repec.org/paper/ipcwpaper/173.htm
Geography / Geografia
Language / Linguagem