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APRM Country Review Report Mozambique

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APRM Country Review Report Mozambique
The major cross-cutting issues which featured prominently in all the thematic areas are highlighted below. A comprehensive approach is needed to address these issues as they have wider ramification for the various dimensions of governance in Mozambique. The following are the major thirteen crosscutting issues emerging from this report: Poverty and Inequality; Party/government/business dichotomy; HIV/AIDs; Land Ownership; High levels of illiteracy; High aid dependency; Information flow and paucity of data; Inclusivity; Crime, safety and Security; Domestic violence; Capacity constraints and implementation challenge; Elections; and, Corruption. CONCLUSION: The remarkable recovery that Mozambique has made since the end of the civil war in 1992 should make the people proud of their accomplishments. Over the last two decades, Mozambicans has made considerable progress in rebuilding its political, economic and social institutions, with noticeable progress. There is no doubt that Mozambicans can build on the successes highlighted in this report, while addressing the challenges in a vigorous manner, in order for the country to rapidly move forward. With its abundant natural resources, Mozambicans can exploit these resources for the benefit of the majority of its people. But this will be difficult to achieve without pragmatic and innovative solutions to the challenges arising from both the thematic and cross-cutting issues identified by this report.
República de Moçambique
República de Moçambique. (2009). APRM Country Review Report Mozambique. República de Moçambique. https://www.aprmtoolkit.saiia.org.za/documents/country-reports-and-exper/78-atkt-mozambique-country-report-2009-en/file
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