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Mozambique Economic Update: Shifting to More Inclusive Growth

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Mozambique Economic Update: Shifting to More Inclusive Growth
Buoyed by a drop in inflation and the advancement of one of two major gas projects, the Mozambique Economic Update (MEU): Shifting to Inclusive Growth notes that the country is more stable since the 2016 debt crisis triggered the economic slump, but growth prospects are limited. Gross domestic product (GDP) growth was an average 3.8% in 2016 and 2017 and is expected to reach a slightly lower rate of 3.3% in 2018. Services such as tourism, transport and finance—all hardest hit by the crisis—have shown a modest increase in growth, the report says, however these gains were offset by slowed growth in the extractives sector. Mozambique’s growth opportunities also hinge on the recovery of consumer spending, especially in services, which had been the largest driver of growth before 2016, the report notes. A strong policy focused on reducing macroeconomic uncertainty and enhancing investment would help lay the foundation for complete recovery and more inclusive growth, the report says.
Report Type
World Bank Group
Short Title
Mozambique Economic Update
06/03/2021, 17:28
Mozambique Economic Update: Shifting to More Inclusive Growth. (2018). [Text/HTML]. World Bank Group. https://documents.worldbank.org/en/publication/documents-reports/documentdetail/132691540307793162/Mozambique-Economic-Update-Shifting-to-More-Inclusive-Growth
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