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Redressing the gender imbalance: a qualitative analysis of recruitment and retention in Mozambique’s community health workforce

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Redressing the gender imbalance: a qualitative analysis of recruitment and retention in Mozambique’s community health workforce
Findings: In-depth interviews (n = 30), key informant interviews (n = 1) and focus group discussions (n = 3) captured experiences and perceptions of employment processes. Intra-household decision-making structures mean women may experience additional barriers to join the APE programme, often requiring their husband’s consent. Training programmes outside of the community were viewed positively as an opportunity to build a cohort. However, women reported difficulty leaving family responsibilities behind, and men reported challenges in providing for their families during training as other income-generating opportunities were not available to them. These dynamics were particularly acute in the case of single mothers, serving both a provider and primary carer role. Differences in attrition by gender were reported: women are likely to leave the programme when they marry, whereas men tend to leave when offered another job with a higher salary. Age and geographic location were also important intersecting factors: younger male and female APEs seek employment opportunities in neighbouring South Africa, whereas older APEs are more content to remain. Conclusion: Gender norms, roles and power dynamics intersect with other axes of inequity such as marital status, age and geographic location to impact recruitment and retention of APEs in Maputo Province, Mozambique. Responsive policies to support gender equity within APE recruitment processes are required to support and retain a gender-equitable APE cadre.
Human Resources for Health
Journal Abbr
Hum Resour Health
Short Title
Redressing the gender imbalance
14/06/2021, 21:32
Library Catalogue
DOI.org (Crossref)
Steege, R., Taegtmeyer, M., Ndima, S., Give, C., Sidat, M., Ferrão, C., & Theobald, S. (2020). Redressing the gender imbalance: a qualitative analysis of recruitment and retention in Mozambique’s community health workforce. Human Resources for Health, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12960-020-00476-w
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