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The Islamic State and the crises of COVID 19

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The Islamic State and the crises of COVID 19
According to the Homeland Security Today website, the statement lists "guidelines for dealing with the epidemic". For the Islamic State, the main advice is "to trust God and take refuge in Him from disease", but followers have an "obligation" to take protective measures to prevent it. Among these measures, the terrorist group emphasizes that "the healthy should not enter the land of the epidemic and the sick must not leave it". According to the council, terrorists should not travel to Europe and the United States, which are common targets in the West, nor to countries in the Middle East such as Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. The group dominates provinces and has active cells in some countries still free of the disease, such as the Central and West Africa region, as well as Syria and Yemen, where civil war makes it difficult to collect information about epidemics. But cases have already been confirmed in Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, India, the Philippines and Indonesia. The reorganization in Africa of ISIS - Evolution and progression in Mozambique In Mozambique, according to statements by the President of the Republic and the Minister of Defence, there are groups of terrorists in the district of Cabo Delgado and other groups in the centre, but who are considered to be affected by RENAMO. The situation is complicated because as these groups demonstrate, they show all the characteristics of IS members.
24/03/2021, 12:49
Library Catalogue
Victoria, A. (2020). The Islamic State and the crises of COVID 19. https://www.academia.edu/43224054/The_Islamic_State_and_the_crises_of_COVID_19