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"Como é que um corrupto pode lutar contra si mesmo? É preciso uma espécie de revolução." As ameaças do governo. A guerra. E o deslocado que disparou contra insurgentes. Entrevista ao Bispo de Pemba.
A number of private security companies, foreign governments and militaries have become involved in Mozambique in its fight against the insurgency in Cabo Delgado, but the Mozambican government has so far largely limited external involvement. Nevertheless, there are a number of companies and countries providing security and security assistance to Mozambique. Private military contractors Russian […]
Hundreds of people remain missing five days after an Islamic State (ISIS)-linked armed group known as Al-Shabab raided the town of Palma in Mozambique’s northern Cabo Delgado province, killing and wounding an unknown number of civilians and causing thousands to flee.
The town of Palma, in Cabo Delgado, was under gunfire on Wednesday afternoon and the population is fleeing, different sources who were in communication with the headquarters of the district that hosts the gas projects in northern Mozambique told Lusa. Machine gunfire was heard in the town and the
US oil company Exxon has postponed for the third consecutive year the Final Investment Decision on the natural gas exploration project in Mozambique, putting the $30 billion investment in doubt. According to Bloomberg news agency, which quotes the company's Senior Vice President Neil Chapman, Nei
The new report documents serious violations of international humanitarian law by all parties to the conflict in Cabo Delgado.
Total is going ahead with its Mozambique LNG project despite a major armed insurgency in Cabo Delgado. This article discusses plans to secure its Afungi facility, including security forces involved. Facility employment is projected to triple by 2022, from 5,000 in 2020 to 15,000 by 2022.
NJ Ayuk discusses the Mozambique LNG project.
Alguns jovens do distrito de Mecula, no Niassa, norte de Moçambique, são recrutados para integrarem o grupo de malfeitores que protagonizam ataques armados nos distritos do norte da vizinha província de Cabo Delgado.
Joseph Hanlon argues that Mozambique’s new “Islamic” insurgency is about marginalised youth demanding to be heard, and therefore is similar to anti-establishment protest across the world.
A falta de alimentos está a agravar-se em zonas do interior na província de Cabo Delgado por causa dos ataques causados por grupos armados que têm levado a população a abandonar terras, alerta um relatório ontem divulgado.