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A visual explanation of how Mozambique’s islamist group al-Shabab has grown over the years in the northern Cabo Delgado province.
An agonizing choice for nearly 200 people holed up in a hotel as gunmen roamed unchecked: Wait overnight for rescue? Or make a run for it?
The town of Palma, in Cabo Delgado, was under gunfire on Wednesday afternoon and the population is fleeing, different sources who were in communication with the headquarters of the district that hosts the gas projects in northern Mozambique told Lusa. Machine gunfire was heard in the town and the
Total is going ahead with its Mozambique LNG project despite a major armed insurgency in Cabo Delgado. This article discusses plans to secure its Afungi facility, including security forces involved. Facility employment is projected to triple by 2022, from 5,000 in 2020 to 15,000 by 2022.
NJ Ayuk discusses the Mozambique LNG project.
Com a entrada no novo milénio, e em virtude do aumento da procura de matérias primas nos mercados internacionais, intensifica-se um modelo de desenvolvimento assente na exploração de recursos naturais. Em Cabo Delgado emerge uma economia extractiva, fortemente dirigida para mercados externos e dependente da oscilação de preços nos mercados internacionais, que o país não tem condições de controlar. Grandes multinacionais envolvem-se numa acesa competição pelo acesso a recursos, em complexas...
This article explores the contemporary expressions of violence and oppression linked to the action of the extractive industry in the northern province of Cabo Delgado, Mozambique. Twenty-five years after the signing of the General Peace Agreement, the debate on peace in the country has remained confined to the resurgence of armed clashes between RENAMO combatants and State security forces in recent years. It is proposed here, however, that the current range of violence that challenge peace...
Insurgents have attacked towns and villages in Cabo Delgado, the poorest province in Mozambique. The government has responded by sending in the military to stamp out the assailants, using ‘whatever it takes’, amid suspicions that foreign fighters from Tanzania have radicalised local youth who are behind the violence. Other measures to counter the violence include an extra-judicial state of emergency and the suppression of information.
The violent insurgency in northern Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado, that started in October 2017 and is still ongoing, caught the government of the country and the public by surprise. Although this insurgency remains largely unexplored and little understood, the only study done so far has suggested that it is being carried out by Muslim youth connected to Islamic radicalism, in particular to the Harakat alShabaab of Somalia and its offshoots in Kenya, Tanzania, and as far as DRC.1 Islam...
Final JICA report on Nacala Corridor Development Project, whose objectives include: to clarify organizations for promoting and coordinating the implementation of development strategies for the Nacala Corridor Region in accordance with PEDEC-Nacala and to prepare for the implementation of high priority projects in accordance with PEDEC-Nacala. The study project commenced in April 2012 and the final study report was produced in April 2015.
O gás de Moçambique pode ser usado para promover industrialização e desenvolvimento rural desde que, a partir de agora, sejam feitas as opções correctas. As actuais prioridades vão para os megaprojectos baseados na exportação, que prometem altos rendimentos mas que, tal como os megaprojectos anteriores, fazem pouco pela criação de empregos ou pela redução da pobreza. Os megaprojectos custando dezenas de bilhões de dólares são essenciais, mas o Conselho de Ministros pode orientar as...
Mozambique’s gas can be used to promote industrialisation and rural development, but only if key choices are made now. Current priorities are for export based mega-projects promising high revenues, but like past mega-projects doing little to create jobs or reduce poverty. Mega-projects costing tens of billions of dollars are essential, but the Council of Ministers can instruct that negotiations give a higher priority to using the gas to create a domestic industry and jobs, even if it reduces short term income.
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