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Abstract: With the introduction of the economic reforms in the late 1980s, the opening up of the political arena and the end of the civil war in the early 1990s, the decentralization process began in Mozambique. Different research developed in recent years shows that, as is the case in other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, the impact of the decentralization reforms on the promotion of local development and the strengthening of democracy in Mozambique is modest. How can this modest impact be...
Toda a verdade sobre a situação explosiva do domínio do Norte de Moçambique pelo Daesh. É o primeiro livro a nível mundial que revela em primeira mão o que se está a passar na zona de Cabo Delgado: a conquista e subjugação das populações, a violência bárbara com recurso a decapitações e execuções sumárias, a exploração das pessoas e dos recursos disponíveis, a impotência das autoridades moçambicanas em impor a ordem e a paz social. Um livro de grande acualidade que desvenda uma realidade tão...
This publication highlights Mozambique's remarkably strong growth over the two decades since the end of the civil war in 1992, as well as the major challenges that remain for the country to rise out of poverty and further its economic development. Chapters explore such topics as the role of megaprojects and their relationship to jobs and growth; infrastructure and public investment; Mozambique's quest for inclusive growth; developing the agricultural sector; and building a social protection floor
Promoting women’s economic empowerment is increasingly seen as one of the most important driving forces behind economic growth and the fight against poverty. Women’s economic participation as entrepreneurs, employees, and leaders is recognized as a measure of a country’s dynamism and viability.This main goal of this volume is to provide fresh thinking on how to solve common issues women entrepreneurs and employees face in the investment climate area. It presents actionable, practical,...
A experiência económica de Moçambique é frequentemente apresentada como um exemplo de sucesso na promoção de rápido crescimento com estabilização e redução da pobreza. Paradoxalmente, a economia nacional mantém anormalmente elevadas taxas de dependência em relação a fluxos externos de capitais, tanto oficiais (ajuda externa) como privados (investimento directo estrangeiro e empréstimos no sistema bancário internacional). Como é que este nível de dependência é consistente com a história de...
Sociologists and anthropologists have had a long interest in studying the ways in which cultures shaped different patterns of health, disease, and mortality. Social scientists have documented low rates of chronic disease and disability in non-Western societies and have suggested that social stability, cultural homogeneity and social cohesion may play a part in explaining these low rates. On the other hand, in studies of Western societies, social scientists have found that disease and...
State Recognition and Democractization in Sub-Saharan Africaآ explores the link between liberal-style democratization and state recognition of traditional authority in Sub-Saharan Africa. Being critical and empirically grounded, the book explores the complex, often counter-balancing consequences of the involvement of traditional authority in the wave of democratization and liberal-style state-building that has rolled over sub-Saharan Africa in the past decade. It scrutinizes how, in...
Globalisation opens up new economic opportunities if poor women producers and workers are enabled to take advantage of them. The need for assistance differs between independent producers on the one hand and wage workers in export industries on the other. In the former case, the need mainly is for increased access to global markets. In the latter case, the need mainly is for better organising so as to bargain for better wages and working conditions. This edited volume brings together six case...
The process of decentralization in Indonesia was initiated after a long period of autocratic rule. Despite the political imperatives, there is a need to carefully sequence the fiscal decentralization to ensure that financing follows the assignment of functions. The functions should be commensurate with the capacity to provide public services. The paper argues for the proper sequencing to avoid jeopardizing macroeconomic stability or the effective delivery of public services.