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This paper examines the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. It has three research issues, namely the role of MSMEs, their constraints, and the importance of MSMEs for the creation of business opportunities for women. More specifically, the study aims to answer the following research questions. First, how important are MSMEs in Indonesia? Second, what are their main constraints? Third, how important are they, especially micro and small enterprises (MSEs),...
Using the World Bank Enterprise Survey data, we analyze performance gaps between male- and female-owned companies in three regions—Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECA), Latin America (LA), and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Among our findings are significant gender gaps between male- and female-owned companies in terms of firm size, but much smaller gaps in terms of firm efficiency and growth (except in LA). Part of the reason women run smaller firms is that they tend to concentrate in sectors...
Abstract. The authors summarize the extant literature on the relationship between gender and entrepreneurship. They note significant quantitative gender differ
Abstract: This study attempts to explore and examining about Indonesia Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) performance through relationship with strategic management theory. We apply strategic management model into our research to explain the relationship of firm performance with firm determinants. Firm strategy, external environment factors and internal resource factors of firm will be used as determinant of firm performance. Samples from Indonesia SME are collected and statistical analysis...
Promoting women’s economic empowerment is increasingly seen as one of the most important driving forces behind economic growth and the fight against poverty. Women’s economic participation as entrepreneurs, employees, and leaders is recognized as a measure of a country’s dynamism and viability.This main goal of this volume is to provide fresh thinking on how to solve common issues women entrepreneurs and employees face in the investment climate area. It presents actionable, practical,...
Findings from ERIA’s SME research project in FY 2009 confirms that access to finance is amongst the most critical factors determining the competitive readiness of regional SMEs and their ability to fully exploit and participate in the global economy and business opportunities from regional economic integration and, in particular, participation in regional production networks. Well recognized in the literature, access to funding is the lifeblood of any enterprise, enabling it to grow, and to...
Since 2007 the World Bank's gender approach has moved away from the Wolfensohn-era emphasis on gender as central to social development concerns, towards a business case model that involves a far greater role for the private sector in efforts to reduce poverty and achieve gender equity. Using a case study of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and its project, 'Doing Business', to promote the ease of doing business across the world, I ask what this new direction entails for the Bank's...
This report is about how women entrepreneurs can contribute more to the quality and direction of economic and social development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Economic growth in the Middle East has been remarkable since 2004, mainly because of higher oil prices. Rapid job growth has followed, driven mainly by the private sector. Yet the region still faces two important challenges: the first is to create better jobs for an increasingly educated young workforce; the second...
This chapter aims to shed light on the nature of men’s and women’s enterprises in Africa, to assess the extent to which the constraints and obstacles faced by women and men entrepreneurs may differ, and to address whether the constraints and obstacles entrepreneurs face affect the productivity and performance of men’s and women’s businesses differently.We begin with a brief overview of gender in the economy, followed by a more detailed analysis of available Enterprise Survey data where key...
Themes / Temas
Geography / Geografia
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
- English / Inglês (5)
Resource type
- Book (1)
- Journal Article (5)
- Report (3)