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Child marriage is one of Mozambique’s most serious but largely ignored development challenges – requiring far greater attention from policy makers Child marriage rates are still very high despite a long-term decline, especially in marriage before the age of 15. Economic pressures and the incentive of bride price appear to be powerful factors driving parents to marry off their daughters at a young age. The high rates of child marriage cannot be allowed to continue without a vigorous...
This report looks at the companies already setting up agribusiness operations in the Nacala Corridor, an area that the government has prioritised for agribusiness development. These companies, typically structured through offshore tax havens and often connected to Mozambican political elites, have been grabbing lands and extracting wealth in ways reminiscent of the country's colonial days.
The Reality Checks are implemented 2011-2016 and each year field work is carried out in the Municipality of Cuamba, the District of Lago and the District of Majune in the Niassa Province. Each Reality Check focusses on a specific theme. This is the 4th Sub-Report from the District of Lago, focusing on the private sector/entrepreneurship. An Annual Report is produced each year to summarise the findings and conclusions from the three sub-reports.
In February 2008 and September 2010, the cities of Maputo and Matola were the scene of violent protests against the rise in the cost of living, undertaken by groups of ordinary citizens. Immediately afterwards, these protests were replicated in some other Mozambican cities, but on a much smaller scale, and they were quickly brought under control by the police. In November 2012, a new protest was set in motion, but immediate repressive action by the police (which in recent years has been...
This chapter outlines the socio-economic and health baseline of areas (both onshore and offshore) potentially affected by the Project. The chapter is structured into a number of sections, as follows: • Sections 9.2 and 9.3 provide a summary of the baseline and sources of information used to compile the baseline, respectively. • Section 9.4 defines the Project Area of Influence, providing both an overview of the geographic characteristics as well as the respective administrative divisions and...
Em 2009, o Centro Terra Viva (CTV) publicou o Guião de Consultas Comunitárias, como parte do seu esforço em melhorar a aplicação da legislação sobre terras e outros recursos naturais. O guião resultou de várias pesquisas de campo realizadas pelo CTV e outras organizações que trabalham na área de Terras. No entanto, a aprovação do Decreto n° 43/2012 de 10 de Outubro, seguida do Diploma Ministerial n° 158/2011 de 15 de Junho, uma parte significativa do Guião ficou ultrapassada. Por outro...
This case study has been produced in response to a request made to the Evidence on Demand Helpdesk. The objective of the request was to provide a detailed case study on the evolution of land policy in Mozambique and provide the reader with insights into what is viewed as one of Africa’s most progressive land laws, recognising multiple forms of tenure. Mozambique has experienced accelerated rates of growth over the past decade, averaging 7.2% per year, with projected growth rates of over 8%....
O Ministério de Administração Estatal elaborou e procede a publicação da versão actualizada dos Perfis dos 128 Distritos de Moçambique. Estamos certo de que este produto apetrecherá as várias instituições públicas e privadas, nacionais ou internacionais, com o conhecimento de todo o país, que potencia o prosseguimento coordenado das acções de combate a probreza de Moçambique
O Ministério de Administração Estatal elaborou e procede a publicação da versão actualizada dos Perfis dos 128 Distritos de Moçambique. Estamos certo de que este produto apetrecherá as várias instituições públicas e privadas, nacionais ou internacionais, com o conhecimento de todo o país, que potencia o prosseguimento coordenado das acções de combate a probreza de Moçambique
A series of five “Reality Checks” will take place in the period 2011-2016, focussing on the dynamics of poverty and well-being with a particular focus on good governance, agriculture/climate and energy that are key sectors in Swedish development cooperation with Mozambique. Each Reality Check will be published in the form of one Annual Report and three Sub-Reports from each of the three selected study-sites (see ORGUTa 2011 for more details). More concretely, the “Reality Checks in...
“What is a House without Food?” Mozambique’s Coal Mining Boom and Resettlements
O Inquérito Demográfico e de Saúde (IDS) em Moçambique faze parte dum programa internacional de inquéritos (MEASURE DHS) desenvolvido pelo ICF International através de um contrato com a USAID, com o propósito de apoiar aos governos e instituições privadas dos países em desenvolvimento na realização de inquéritos nacionais por amostragem, nas áreas de população e saúde. O Programa MEASURE DHS tem por objectivo: • Subsidiar a formulação de políticas e implementação de programas nas áreas de...
This study investigates the impairing of the rights of peasant communities through the establishment of tree plantations in Niassa province, Mozambique. More particularly, it looks at the impacts of the operations of Chikweti Forests of Niassa on the local population in the districts of Lago, Lichinga and Sanga. In order to do so, it presents an introductory chapter on the general context of Mozambique and the legal framework. This legal framework will serve as a basis on the analysis of...
The Government of Mozambique (GoM), acting through the national roads administration (ANE) has made requests to international financial institutions including the African Development Bank, for the improvement of transport infrastructure and for strengthening the institutional capacity of the roads sector. ANE plans to apply a portion of these funds to the environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) of the project for the rehabilitation of the N13, Cumanba-Mandimba-Lichinga (302 km)....
he Reality Checks are implemented 2011-2016 and each year field work is carried out in the Municipality of Cuamba, the District of Lago and the District of Majune in the Niassa Province. This is the Annual Report for Year One of the Reality Checks and aims at summarising the conclusions based on the findings from the field sub-report from each study location.
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) decided to conduct the preparatory survey on Nacala Port Development Project in the Republic of Mozambique, and organized a survey team headed by Dr. Kobune of Ides and consists of OCDI, Oriental Consultants, ECOH CORPORATION, and Ides between June, 2010 and April, 2011. The survey team held a series of discussions with the officials concerned of the Government of the Republic of Mozambique, and conducted field investigations. As a result of...
Decentralization has been underway in Indonesia for more than ten years, but recently many have challenged the how effectively decentralization – and even democratization – is being implemented. Deterioration in the quality of public services, the many corruption cases involving local governments, and low economic growth rates in some regions have prompted discourse about whether the country is making a reversal away from decentralization and democratization. We recognize that the move...
The objectives of the Study are to determine the most technically feasible and economically viable, environmentally acceptable and socially optimal option of upgrading the existing Cuamba – Lichinga road to an all-weather road for easier transit. The Study also determines the impact of providing an all-weather road on poverty reduction and environment. And establishment of the “Regional Development Program” intended for Niassa Province is also the objective of the Study. This program aims to...
The objectives of the Study are to determine the most technically feasible and economically viable, environmentally acceptable and socially optimal option of upgrading the existing Cuamba – Lichinga road to an all-weather road for easier transit. The Study also determines the impact of providing an all-weather road on poverty reduction and environment. And establishment of the “Regional Development Program” intended for Niassa Province is also the objective of the Study. This program aims...
The Study Road (N13: Cuamba – Mandimba – Lichinga), as part of the two Mozambican corridors (Nacala N13/N1 and Lichinga-Pemba N14/N1 corridors), provides a strategic link to the Malawi Border at Mandimba with the ports of Nacala and Pemba, in Nampula and Cabo Delgado Provinces respectively. Although the Study Road has much potential for stimulating development and reducing poverty throughout the entire northern area of Mozambique by enabling efficient connection, the section concerned is the...
Themes / Temas
- Access to Services / Acesso a Serviços (8)
- Accountability / Responsabilização (6)
- ADIN (Agency for Integrated Development of the North) (1)
- Budget / Orçamento (6)
- Citizenship & Participation / Cidadania e Participação (5)
- Civic Space / Espaço Cívico (1)
- Civil Society / Sociedade Civil (5)
- Climate Change / Mudanças Climáticas (3)
- Community scorecard (CSC) / cartão de pontuação comunitária (CPC) (1)
- Conflict / Conflito (45)
- Decentralization / Descentralização (9)
- Demographics / Demografia (22)
- Development Banks / Bancos de Desenvolvimento (14)
- Displaced Communities / Comunidades Deslocadas (7)
- Economic Development / Desenvolvimento Económico (6)
- Education / Educação (8)
- Electoral Geography / Geografia Eleitoral (2)
- Employment / Emprego (3)
- Empowerment / Empoderamento (3)
- Entrepreneurship / Empreendedorismo (3)
- Extractive Industries / Indústrias Extractivas (8)
- FDI - foreign direct investment / IDE - investimento directo estrangeiro (6)
- Fiscal Policy / Política Fiscal (1)
- Fragility / Fragilidade (1)
- Gender / Género (19)
- Governance / Governação (14)
- Innovation / Inovação (1)
- Institutions / Instituições (3)
- Justice / Justiça (2)
- Mobilization / Mobilização (1)
- Poverty / Pobreza (21)
- Rural Development / Desenvolvimento Rural (5)
- Security / Segurança (2)
- Social inclusion & exclusion / inclusão e exclusão social (9)
- Social Protection / Proteção Social (3)
- Society / Sociedade (2)
- Taxation / Tributação (1)
- Urbanization / Urbanização (4)
- Youth / Juventude (11)
Sectors / Setores
Geography / Geografia
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
- English / Inglês (76)
- Portuguese / Português (36)
Resource type
Publication year
- Between 2000 and 2025 (167)
- Unknown (3)