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The report is divided into seven chapters. This introductory chapter is followed by Chapter Two, which provides an overview of Mozambique as a backdrop to the report. Chapters Three to Six evaluate developments and challenges in the four APRM focus areas (Democracy and Political Governance; Economic Governance and Management; Corporate Governance; and Socio-Economic Development) respectively. Each of these chapters has two sections: the first analyses the codes and standards of the APRM,...
This report is based on information collected within the context of the study concerning Community Land Rights in Niassa Province in Mozambique, with special attention paid to the programme implemented by the Malonda Foundation. This programme is supported and financed by the Swedish Government and aims to promote private investment in the province while seeking, during the course of the process, to ensure equitable and beneficial social impact as an explicit objective, in particular for the local population.
The objective of this study is to examine how the extensive institutional change of reforms to policy and legislation in Mozambique over the past decade has affected evolutions at the local level in the governance of natural resources. The particular focus of the research is an analysis of a community based natural resource management (CBNRM) initiative in North Sanga District of Niassa Province and a longitudinal study of its development between 1999 and 2007 based on my involvement as both...
Sociologists and anthropologists have had a long interest in studying the ways in which cultures shaped different patterns of health, disease, and mortality. Social scientists have documented low rates of chronic disease and disability in non-Western societies and have suggested that social stability, cultural homogeneity and social cohesion may play a part in explaining these low rates. On the other hand, in studies of Western societies, social scientists have found that disease and...
The question of how to proceed with democratic decentralisation has been of political concern in Mozambique over the past decade. In accordance with post-war constitutional commitments to démocratisation after the country’s post-independence flirtation with socialism and a high degree of centralism, the process of decentralisation has taken two forms. First, a system of locally elected governments in the form of municipalities (municipios) for the urban and semi-urban areas was approved in...
The main objective of this report is to capture the local configurations of gender relations in Nampula, by focussing on one rural and one urban area in the province. The former is the coastal and rural district of Mossuril, which is considered one of the most deprived districts in the province, both in terms of material poverty and human development (MAE 2005). The urban areas are Muatala and Namutequeliua, which are two of the most populous bairros in the city of Nampula and largely...
This study on power and participation in post-conflict settings analyzes a rural development project in Mandimba District of Northern Mozambique. The purpose is to gain understanding of the dynamics and possibilities of participatory approaches for increasing the influence of previously excluded actors in decision-making processes. The methodology for this study reflects two broad yet intertwined approaches. For the first component, the Mozambique in-depth case study research, I draw on my...
Rising world prices for fuel and food represent a negative terms-of-trade shock for Mozambique. The impacts of these price rises are analyzed using various approaches. Detailed price data show that the world price increases are being transmitted to domestic prices. Short-run net benefit ratio analysis indicates that urban households and households in the southern region are more vulnerable to food price increases. Rural households, particularly in the North and Center, often benefit from...
This report is about how women entrepreneurs can contribute more to the quality and direction of economic and social development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Economic growth in the Middle East has been remarkable since 2004, mainly because of higher oil prices. Rapid job growth has followed, driven mainly by the private sector. Yet the region still faces two important challenges: the first is to create better jobs for an increasingly educated young workforce; the second...
There are a number of compelling reasons to focus on the ways in which the processes and relations of adverse incorporation and social exclusion (AISE) underpin chronic poverty. In particular, AISE research draws attention to the causal processes that lead poverty to persist, and to the politics and political economy of these processes and associated relationships over time. Specific dimensions of AISE are explored in relation to chronic poverty – namely political, economic, socio-cultural...
This chapter aims to shed light on the nature of men’s and women’s enterprises in Africa, to assess the extent to which the constraints and obstacles faced by women and men entrepreneurs may differ, and to address whether the constraints and obstacles entrepreneurs face affect the productivity and performance of men’s and women’s businesses differently.We begin with a brief overview of gender in the economy, followed by a more detailed analysis of available Enterprise Survey data where key...
State Recognition and Democractization in Sub-Saharan Africaآ explores the link between liberal-style democratization and state recognition of traditional authority in Sub-Saharan Africa. Being critical and empirically grounded, the book explores the complex, often counter-balancing consequences of the involvement of traditional authority in the wave of democratization and liberal-style state-building that has rolled over sub-Saharan Africa in the past decade. It scrutinizes how, in...
This report examines the legal, administrative, and regulatory barriers that are preventing women in Kenya from contributing fully to the Kenyan economy. Building on the 2004 Foreign Investment and Advisory Service (FIAS) report, “Improving the Commercial Legal Framework and Removing Administrative and Regulatory Barriers to Investment,” this study looks at the bureaucratic barriers facing women in Kenya through a gender lens. The report makes specific recommendations to address...
This report presents findings from the Social Sector Performance Qualitative Study (SSPQS). The SSPQS was designed as a follow-up to the Social Sector Performance Surveys (SSPS), which were public expenditure tracking surveys undertaken in the primary and secondary education and government health and family planning systems between 2004 and 2006. In many respects, the SSPS findings were positive, documenting that systems of health and education service provision were functioning. While there...
In 2001, Indonesia embarked on a decentralization process that has had a dramatic impact on the local political landscape, especially in relation to taxation and administrative processes. Rules and procedures that govern licensing, registration, some taxes and user charges have largely been devolved to local governments. A significant number of new licenses and charges have been created at the local level, and most licenses are issued through a complicated system of procedures and agencies....
Market-oriented policy agendas have enjoyed a remarkable influence in Indonesia for almost four decades. Yet, attempts to impose these agendas in any systematic fashion have proven uncertain and inconclusive. This is not simply a case of successful resistance to reform by entrenched interests. Rather, the deepening of market capitalism and global integration has, in many instances, appeared to consolidate authoritarian politics and predatory economic relationships. Even in the wake of...
Information on the Swedish support to the private sector related to agriculture in Niassa, Mozambique 2003.
This paper brings together gender analysis, small scale enterprise analysis, and gender budget analysis in a development context. The paper demonstrates that gender matters not only to the ownership of an SME, but also to its most likely principal activity, the stock of the assets that it possesses, the labour that it utilizes, the costs that it faces, the revenues that it generates, and the profits that it earns. In particular, lower earnings for female-owned SMEs can be attributed to the...
This case study has attempted to show that the implementation of a policy mechanism like PSP in water and sanitation in a context like Niassa is highly unlikely to achieve the development impacts intended. It appears that the concept “PSP” itself is erroneous; it assumes that there is a private sector wishing to participate, and that public sector delivery is the key obstacle to private involvement. Equally erroneous is the idea that the private sector can just emerge from market mechanisms...
In mid-1998, a World Bank study grimly noted that "Indonesia is in deep economic crisis. A country that achieved decades of rapid growth, stability, and poverty reduction is now near economic collapse . . . no country in recent history, let alone one the size of Indonesia, has ever suffered such a dramatic reversal of fortune." There is bitter irony in Indonesia's fall from grace. Long hailed as a model of successful economic development, it was widely predicted to escape the fate of...
Themes / Temas
- Budget / Orçamento (1)
- Citizenship & Participation / Cidadania e Participação (1)
- Conflict / Conflito (1)
- Decentralization / Descentralização (4)
- Economic Development / Desenvolvimento Económico (2)
- Education / Educação (1)
- Employment / Emprego (2)
- Entrepreneurship / Empreendedorismo (2)
Sectors / Setores
Geography / Geografia
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
Resource type
- Book (2)
- Book Section (1)
- Journal Article (3)
- Report (11)
- Thesis (2)
- Web Page (1)