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Este estudo pretende verificar a causalidade de curto e longo prazo entre a política monetária e a produção agrícola em Moçambique. Para esse efeito estudar-se-ão variáveis como taxas de juros, oferta monetária, inflação, taxa de câmbio e crédito agrícola.
The project’s objective was to improve access to lower secondary education, by constructing 4 schools and extending the capacity of existing schools and their facilities in the target areas of Maputo Province and Gaza Province, thereby contributing to improvement of the quality of education. The project’s objective coincides with the development policy of Mozambique, which emphasizes the expansion of access to secondary education at the time of planning and also ex-post evaluation. It also...
Study commissioned by EU and other countries on CSO engagement. The identification of priorities is based on four criteria: • The findings of the recent mapping of civil society in Mozambique commissioned by the EU and other studies; • The official EU guidance on the preparation of a civil society roadmap; • Existing and planned EU interventions and of the partners engaged in the roadmap; • The need to combine a longer term perspective with concrete actions over the next 3 years. The...
O presente documento constitui o Relatório do Estudo de Sustentabilidade das Organizações da Sociedade Civil solicitado por 5 Organizações Não Governamentais (DIAKONIA, FHI360, HELVETAS, KEPA e OXFAM NOVIB) e realizado pela EUROSIS Consultoria e Formação em Gestão. De forma sintetizada, este estudo tinha como objectivos chave: a) mapear o entendimento que a governação e gestão das OSC têm sobre sustentabilidade e seus desafios; b) ajudar a desconstruir a percepção que limita a...
This document was prepared as an analysis report for sharing a study result on a particular theme as part of ‘The Project for Nacala Corridor Economic Development Strategies (PEDEC-Nacala)’ which is a technical assistance project supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for the Government of Mozambique. PEDEC-Nacala formulated integrated development strategies for corridor development by an integrated approach involving several sectors and also by giving consideration to...
Within the framework of this strategy, Swedish development cooperation with Mozambique aims to make use of the increased interest and potential to utilise the country's natural resources in a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable way. It also aims to improve opportunities for people living in poverty to contribute to and benefit from economic and democratic development. The strategy is valid for the period 2015–2020 and comprises a total of SEK 4.1 billion.
Within the framework of this strategy, Swedish development cooperation with Mozambique aims to make use of the increased interest and potential to utilise the country's natural resources in a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable way. It also aims to improve opportunities for people living in poverty to contribute to and benefit from economic and democratic development. The strategy is valid for the period 2015–2020 and comprises a total of SEK 4.1 billion.
Reforming business licensing is a key starting point for improving the investment climate. Complex licensing procedures may encourage firms to remain unregistered, giving rise to difficulties later in accessing finance from formal financial institutions and constraining productivity and expansion. Across sectors, this can suppress the establishment of new firms and therefore the creation of new jobs, dragging down overall economic growth. Improving and reforming business licensing can...
The objective of the baseline survey is to analyze and document the situation around accountability, transparency and governance of the O&G sector in the country prior to the implementation of the Oxfam project. It focuses on a selected group of indicators chosen for the country program logical framework, identified and approved in the Baseline Inception Phase. A total of 33 people were interviewed in the context of this baseline. This was accompanied by a thorough national and international...
Este trabalho procura verificar a relação entre variáveis macroeconómicas e a produção agrícola em Moçambique. O sector agrícola desempenha um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento da economia moçambicana. Assim sendo, torna-se importante compreender a relação entre o ambiente macroeconómico e o sector. De acordo com Ali et al. (2010) a economia agrícola mundial tem sido substancialmente sensível aos movimentos dos indicadores macroeconómicos. Vários investigadores e economistas concordam que...
Em Fevereiro de 2008 e Setembro de 2010, as cidades de Maputo e Matola foram palco de protestos violentos contra a subida do custo de vida, protagonizados por grupos de populares. Tais protestos foram logo depois replicados em algumas outras cidades do país, mas numa dimensão bem mais restrita e rapidamente controlados pelas forças policiais. Em Novembro de 2012, um novo protesto se desenhou, mas a acção repressiva imediata nos locais críticos de concentração dos populares pelas forças da...
This paper analyses the social networks existing among politicians and economists in contemporary Mozambique, using the SNA-Social Networks Analysis method to identify the links between these individuals, to discern their relationships and to measure both the density and the centrality of the political-business network. Mozambique’s political and business elite is thus identified. A network sociogram is presented identifying the individual position in the network and the linkages among these...
This case study was commissioned by N’weti Comunicação para a Saúde to explore the changes emerging from the implementation of an adapted version of the Community Scorecard (CSC) tool in 11 health facilities catchment areas in Nampula. This case study discusses how N’weti has adapted the Community Scorecard (CSC) tool to better improve the quality of the participation and prospects of accountability for citizens. The case study presents evidence that the adapted CSC tool has resulted in an...
O gás de Moçambique pode ser usado para promover industrialização e desenvolvimento rural desde que, a partir de agora, sejam feitas as opções correctas. As actuais prioridades vão para os megaprojectos baseados na exportação, que prometem altos rendimentos mas que, tal como os megaprojectos anteriores, fazem pouco pela criação de empregos ou pela redução da pobreza. Os megaprojectos custando dezenas de bilhões de dólares são essenciais, mas o Conselho de Ministros pode orientar as...
Mozambique’s gas can be used to promote industrialisation and rural development, but only if key choices are made now. Current priorities are for export based mega-projects promising high revenues, but like past mega-projects doing little to create jobs or reduce poverty. Mega-projects costing tens of billions of dollars are essential, but the Council of Ministers can instruct that negotiations give a higher priority to using the gas to create a domestic industry and jobs, even if it reduces short term income.
Child marriage is one of Mozambique’s most serious but largely ignored development challenges – requiring far greater attention from policy makers Child marriage rates are still very high despite a long-term decline, especially in marriage before the age of 15. Economic pressures and the incentive of bride price appear to be powerful factors driving parents to marry off their daughters at a young age. The high rates of child marriage cannot be allowed to continue without a vigorous...
The Mapping Study of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Mozambique was carried out during the first half of 2015, within the context of preparation for the Roadmap of the European Union (EU), Member States and other partners for engagement with civil society. Data collection included document analysis, and interviews with CSOs, international partners and Mozambican government institutions at national, provincial, district and local level. In the first phase of the field work, nine...
This report looks at the companies already setting up agribusiness operations in the Nacala Corridor, an area that the government has prioritised for agribusiness development. These companies, typically structured through offshore tax havens and often connected to Mozambican political elites, have been grabbing lands and extracting wealth in ways reminiscent of the country's colonial days.
Themes / Temas
- Access to Services / Acesso a Serviços (1)
- Accountability / Responsabilização (2)
- Citizenship & Participation / Cidadania e Participação (2)
- Civil Society / Sociedade Civil (3)
- Conflict / Conflito (1)
- Decentralization / Descentralização (1)
- Development Banks / Bancos de Desenvolvimento (3)
- Economic Development / Desenvolvimento Económico (3)
- Education / Educação (1)
- Extractive Industries / Indústrias Extractivas (3)
- FDI - foreign direct investment / IDE - investimento directo estrangeiro (2)
- Gender / Género (1)
- Governance / Governação (1)
- Rural Development / Desenvolvimento Rural (2)
- Social inclusion & exclusion / inclusão e exclusão social (2)
- Youth / Juventude (1)