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In Mozambique, development programmes have traditionally drawn on music as a means to promote social transformation by educating citizens on key social development issues. Shifting the focus from music as a teaching medium to music as a rich source of information can provide vital insights into public opinion and political ideas, and significantly impact the development of citizen engagement projects. Maximum gains for development and civil society agencies can be achieved by mainstreaming...
A actual Proposta do Orçamento do Estado (POE) 2021 é a segunda para o quinquénio 2020-2024 e foi elaborada num contexto de transformações económicas e sociais impostas por um novo “normal” provocado pela pandemia da COVID-19, que resultou na maior recessão mundial estimada em cerca de -4.9% para 2020. Essa recessão foi causada pelas medidas de contenção que resultaram na paralisação da actividade económica em grande parte das economias. Em linha com as actuais tendências da economia...
A pandemia da Covid-19 surgiu de súbito num momento de transição para as instituições e organizações sociais de meio mundo. Antes ainda de se ter ultrapassado a crise de confiança da última década entre os cidadãos e os governos, num momento de grande impulso das iniciativas de governo aberto e de planos de inovação e transformação digital para tornar mais democráticas e eficientes as administrações através de programas políticos encaminhados para configurar um novo contrato social, verde e...
O objectivo deste manual é auxiliar os municípios no contexto da gestão de terra, com especial foco na regularização do DUAT (Direito de Uso e Aproveitamento da Terra) e respectivas construções. O manual pretende abranger o maior número de situações que ocorrem no dia-a-dia, apresentando soluções apoiadas na presente legislação. Pretende-se que o manual seja um valioso material de apoio à capacitação das equipas técnicas dos municípios e áreas urbanas. O objectivo do manual é igualmente...
The United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLGA) commissioned this report in coordination with the National Association of Municipalities of Mozambique (ANAMM) to analyse the political economy of decentralisation of Mozambique. The report provides information in support of the ANAMM discussion and dialogue toward the new European Union (EU) programming process of cooperation with local authorities (LAs) for the 2021-2027 period. This report was developed in line with another called...
This policy brief, apart from describing the dilemmas of the democratization process of health services it, aims to analyze its implications on the dynamics of social accountability in the health sector and, finally, to inform on possible ways for a more coherent democratization, considering the normative discourses
An external evaluation of the project was conducted in April - May 2019. It looked into the strategy, performance and attainment of the general development goals. The results of the evaluation will be taken into account in the planning of a possible second phase of the project. According to the evaluation, the project is highly relevant both for the strategic partnership between Finland and Mozambique, as well as for the sustainability and inclusiveness of the economic growth arising from...
This study was conducted as part of the Citizen Engagement Programme (Programa Cidadania e Participação (CEP)) in Mozambique – an empowerment and social accountability initiative to improve the quality of education and health services by increasing citizens’ influence on the management of schools and health units, the formulation of education and health policies, and the provision of education and health services. In education, CEP enabled citizen monitoring of services through the...
This case study is one of a series commissioned to support the Stabilisation Unit’s (SU) development of an evidence base relating to elite bargains and political deals. The project explores how national and international interventions have and have not been effective in fostering and sustaining political deals and elite bargains; and whether or not these political deals and elite bargains have helped reduce violence, increased local, regional and national stability and contributed to the...
Without much preparation, Indonesia, in 2000, at a stroke replaced the previous system of centralized government and development planning with a wide range of decentralization programs. The reforms gave greater authority, political power, and financial resources directly to regencies and municipalities, bypassing the provinces. The powers transferred include those of executing a wide range of responsibilities in the areas of health, primary and middle-level education, public works,...
Moçambique é uma colónia portuguesa antiga, que alcançou a independência em 1975, depois da queda do regime fascista português em Abril de 1974. O sucesso militar da Frelimo contra os portugueses, deu legitimidade a este movimento para se impor como o único representante da sociedade (Cahen, 2003). Em 1977, o Comité Central da Frelimo realizou o 3° congresso que marcou oficialmente a passagem ao partido Marxista-leninista e de «Vanguarda». A partir de 1980, o campo político Moçambicano foi...
The promotion of decentralisation and local governance has long since been an established part of bilateral and multilateral development cooperation. In the context of fragile statehood, however, this area of development cooperation is frequently faced with the general suspicion of encouraging separatism, exacerbating conflicts, and thereby promoting the disintegration of the state. At the same time, fragile contexts create demand for institutional solutions concerning the distribution of...
Recommendations: 1. On planning and budgeting, greater coordination is recommended between planning (setting priorities) and budgeting (financial apportionment). Transformation of all District Health Services, Women and Social Action (SDSMAS) into Management Beneficiary Units (MBU) is necessary. 2. Stakeholders should bet more on application of national public financial management systems (PFM). The use of parallel financial systems instead of enabling the National Health System (NHS) to be...
This case study was commissioned by N’weti Comunicação para a Saúde to explore the changes emerging from the implementation of an adapted version of the Community Scorecard (CSC) tool in 11 health facilities catchment areas in Nampula. This case study discusses how N’weti has adapted the Community Scorecard (CSC) tool to better improve the quality of the participation and prospects of accountability for citizens. The case study presents evidence that the adapted CSC tool has resulted in an...
Nos anos 1980, vários países da África subsaariana iniciaram um conjunto de reformas ligadas ao sector público visando, entre outros objectivos, fazer face à crise do Estado, que se manifestava essencialmente em duas dimensões, nomeadamente regulação política e provisão de serviços públicos. Desde então, assistiu-se a três gerações de reformas do sector público (Kiragu, 2002; Crook, 2010). A primeira geração vai dos meados dos anos 1980 aos meados dos anos 1990, com enfoque nos Planos de...
Since independence in 1975, development in Mozambique has been guided by a sequence of Five Year Plans, (Planos Quinquenais de Desenvolvimento). In 2002 the Government of Mozambique (GOM) initiated a series of reforms in all development sectors, aiming to start a process of decentralisation and bringing management closer to the lower levels of state organisation (Provinces and Districts). For the Municipalities, a devolution model was chosen that is currently in the process of being rolled...
The present study was commissioned by the Department for International Development (DFID) in Mozambique. As a piece of independent research on the political economy of the health sector, it is considered to inform DFID’s health sector support programme for the period 2012-2016 and to lead to more in-depth inquiries of Mozambique’s health sector. The latter has witnessed a number of institutional, management, financial and governance challenges in the past few years, including a change in...
This study presents an analytical ‘picture’ of the rural water sub-sector in Mozambique, describing the legal framework, mechanisms for coordination, harmonisation, funding, accountability, participation and supervision. The study was commissioned for the Sustainable Services at Scale, or Triple-S, initiative, which aims to contribute to improving the sustainability of global rural water supply. According to the general population census carried out in 2007, Mozambique had a total population...
Decentralization has been underway in Indonesia for more than ten years, but recently many have challenged the how effectively decentralization – and even democratization – is being implemented. Deterioration in the quality of public services, the many corruption cases involving local governments, and low economic growth rates in some regions have prompted discourse about whether the country is making a reversal away from decentralization and democratization. We recognize that the move...
A 17a Sessão Ordinária do Conselho de Ministros realizada em 2007 tomou a corajosa decisão de descentralizar os fundos dos sectores de estradas, águas, agricultura, e infra-estruturas de educação e saúde para garantir a implementação efectiva da Lei 8/2003 sobre os Órgãos Locais do Estado e materializar os objectivos estratégicos definidos no PARPA II e no Plano Quinquenal do Governo. Tal decisão, em parte, reconhece que a pobreza absoluta que flagela muitos cidadãos está estreitamente...
Themes / Temas
- Decentralization / Descentralização
- Access to Services / Acesso a Serviços (6)
- Accountability / Responsabilização (4)
- Budget / Orçamento (2)
- Citizenship & Participation / Cidadania e Participação (4)
- Civil Society / Sociedade Civil (1)
- Conflict / Conflito (1)
- Education / Educação (3)
Sectors / Setores
Geography / Geografia
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
- English / Inglês (10)
- Portuguese / Português (5)
Resource type
Publication year
- Between 2000 and 2025 (21)