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Based on the concept of limited and open access orders (LAO/OAO), this paper explains what appears to be a paradox: how was it possible that a former civil war country, Mozambique, which had been extremely successful in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) and which the International Monetary Fund praised as a great Sub-Sahara African success story in 2007, only a few years later found itself on the brink of a new civil war? We argue that the destabilization of the country was the...
The notion of the ‘resource curse’ suggests that large inflows of extractive industry revenues cause many adverse macro-economic and political effects. The resource curse literature focuses on the impact of actual inflows of extractive resource revenues. However, anticipation of future resource revenues can also lead to negative macro-economic and political effects even before resource extraction takes place, which points to the role of behavioral aspects of the ‘resource curse’. Using...
This article explores the ways in which the ruling Frelimo elite in Mozambique engaged creatively with the opportunities and constraints created by Sasol's Pande and Temane natural gas project as they have evolved from the early 2000s until today. This is a period that has seen ruling-elite actors become involved in various projects related to the production of electricity from ‘domestic natural gas’. We argue that focusing on the initial gas investment and how it evolved over time makes it...
This article explores the contemporary expressions of violence and oppression linked to the action of the extractive industry in the northern province of Cabo Delgado, Mozambique. Twenty-five years after the signing of the General Peace Agreement, the debate on peace in the country has remained confined to the resurgence of armed clashes between RENAMO combatants and State security forces in recent years. It is proposed here, however, that the current range of violence that challenge peace...
Este artigo surge na sequência de um artigo anterior onde se considerou em termos gerais muitas das questões que Moçambique enfrenta hoje em dia na gestão dos seus novos recursos extractivos. Em primeiro lugar descreve-se o pico de investimento já desencadeado pelas novas descobertas de gás em Moçambique. Depois apresenta-se em resumo alguma da literatura mais recente sobre os efeitos desses picos noutros países e contextos. De seguida analisam-se os principais aspectos dos resultados...
This paper is a sequel to an earlier paper that looked in broad terms at many of the issues that Mozambique faces today in managing its new extractive resources. The paper first describes the investment surge that has already been prompted by new gas discoveries in Mozambique. It then summarizes some of the more recent literature that has examined the effects of such surges in other country contexts. It next examines the main aspects of the disappointing economic outcomes that have so far...
In recent years, Mozambique has made international headlines for the significant hydrocarbon deposits found offshore. These have increased the country's extractive resource endowments, in addition to its mining and onshore natural gas sector. It is expected that these industries will contribute to economic diversification and social development, not least by means of procuring locally produced goods and services and hiring Mozambicans. A key factor to achieve this is building domestic...
The violent insurgency in northern Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado, that started in October 2017 and is still ongoing, caught the government of the country and the public by surprise. Although this insurgency remains largely unexplored and little understood, the only study done so far has suggested that it is being carried out by Muslim youth connected to Islamic radicalism, in particular to the Harakat alShabaab of Somalia and its offshoots in Kenya, Tanzania, and as far as DRC.1 Islam...
This article explores how the present socio-economic crisis in Mozambique is linked to the prospects of natural resource windfalls for the country. Drawing on the political settlement approach, it explores how the distribution of power both within and outside the ruling elite is structured and consequently how the underlying political processes have been shaped by the expectations of natural resource windfalls. The article argues that the present socio-economic crisis in Mozambique is not...
This paper analyses inclusive land governance in Mozambique. It focuses on the country’s legal framework and the DUAT, the right to use and benefit from the land. The DUAT is a distinctive element of the Mozambican legislation that has land as the property of the state but recognises land use rights for occupants and users on the basis of a unitary system of tenure. The challenges of putting in practice what is thought to be one of Africa’s most progressive legal frameworks are discussed....
The aim of this article is to extend the state of analysis on the impacts of gas development in Mozambique by evaluating the relationship between the gas sector, the Mozambican economy, and social change. As the resource curse framework is only limited to economic growth, this work utilizes two alternative frameworks—the Staples approach and the Linkages approach—that are melded into an institutional analysis, looking simultaneously at “benefits, costs, and uncertainties” or “blessings,...
Themes / Temas
Sectors / Setores
Geography / Geografia
Mozambique / Moçambique
North / Norte
- Cabo Delgado (2)
- Nacala (1)
- Nampula (1)
North / Norte
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
- English / Inglês (3)