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Maps of JICA Major Projects
Actualidade Económica de Moçambique: Preparação para Recuperação [Text/HTML]2021 - World Bank Group
The global pandemic has taken a heavy toll on Mozambique’s economy. In 2020, the country experienced its first economic contraction in nearly three decades. COVID-19 (coronavirus) hit the economy as it was attempting to recover from the slowdown triggered by the hidden debt crisis and the tropical cyclones in 2019. Real gross domestic product (GDP) contracted by 1.3 percent in 2020, compared to a pre-Covid estimate of 4.3 percent, as external demand declined, domestic lockdown measures...
The global pandemic has taken a heavy toll on Mozambique’s economy. In 2020, the country experienced its first economic contraction in nearly three decades. COVID-19 (coronavirus) hit the economy as it was attempting to recover from the slowdown triggered by the hidden debt crisis and the tropical cyclones in 2019. Real gross domestic product (GDP) contracted by 1.3 percent in 2020, compared to a pre-Covid estimate of 4.3 percent, as external demand declined, domestic lockdown measures...
The Bank Group’s Country Strategy Paper (CSP) 2018-2022 for Mozambique was approved by the Boards of Executive Directors in June 2018. The CSP was prepared in a context of economic downturn triggered by the deterioration of the country's financial situation and scaleddown dialogue between the Government of Mozambique (GoM) and Donor Partners (DPs). The CSP was anchored on two pillars: (i) "Development of infrastructure to enable transformative, inclusive growth and job creation", and (ii)...
Project outline Project Overview: - This project is to secure smooth and safe connectivity at the road N380 (Sunate - Oasse) through reconstruction of bridges, Messalo1 (45m)/ Messalo-3 (60m)/ Mapuede (45m), thereby contributing to facilitate the economy of Cabo Delgado and neighboring countries
Donor relations and sovereigntyFlentø, J., & Simao, L. S. - 2020 - UNU-WIDER Working Paper 2020/135
As a sovereign country, Mozambique initially relied on international solidarity and managed its donor relations well. Donor dependency entailed some loss of agency for the government as it allowed donors to challenge its capacity but never its authority. However, in the last decade, donor countries have expressed disappointment with reforms and challenged the government’s legitimacy. This is not only because of developments in Mozambique. Donor countries have become less enthusiastic about...
Como país soberano, Moçambique confiou inicialmente na solidariedade internacional e geriu bem as suas relações com os doadores. A dependência em relação a estes implicou que o Governo experimentasse alguma perda de capacidade de intervenção, permitindo que os doadores desafiassem a sua competência, embora nunca a sua autoridade. No entanto, na última década, os países doadores expressaram o seu desapontamento com as reformas e contestaram a legitimidade do Governo. Isto não se deve apenas...
Mozambique’s debt remains in distress, which is unchanged from the previous DSA published in June 2019. Consideringthat, to a large extent, future borrowingand governmentguarantees reflect state participation in the sizable liquified natural gas (LNG) development, debt is deemed sustainable in a forward-looking sense. Participation in the recently announced G20 initiative would provide debt service relief in the near term, thus flattening the projected sharp deterioration in debt liquidity...
Themes / Temas
Sectors / Setores
Health / Saúde
- COVID-19 (2)
- Private Sector / Setor Privado (2)
Geography / Geografia
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
- English / Inglês (3)
Resource type
- Journal Article (2)
- Map (1)
- Presentation (1)
- Report (4)