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Insurgents struck throughout Nangade district last week, nearly isolating Nangade town in a series of attacks. On 1 March, insurgents began setting roadblocks on the R763 south of Nangade town, cutting off the main route between Nangade and Mueda. The same day, insurgents killed two farmers working near the village of Eduardo Mondlane, just east of Litingina. On 2 March, more insurgent roadblocks sprang up near Muiha village, in the northwest of Nangade district, near where the borders...
To understand how land-use frontiers emerge, we studied the actors driving investments in Niassa province, Mozambique. Our ethnographic research over 2017-2018 among commercial agriculture and forestry investors shows that successive waves of actors with different backgrounds, motives and business practices, arrived in Niassa to establish farms or plantations yet repeatedly failed. Waves come and go but leave sediments – legacies – that add up to gradually build the conditions for a frontier...
Actualidade Económica de Moçambique: Preparação para Recuperação [Text/HTML]2021 - World Bank Group
The global pandemic has taken a heavy toll on Mozambique’s economy. In 2020, the country experienced its first economic contraction in nearly three decades. COVID-19 (coronavirus) hit the economy as it was attempting to recover from the slowdown triggered by the hidden debt crisis and the tropical cyclones in 2019. Real gross domestic product (GDP) contracted by 1.3 percent in 2020, compared to a pre-Covid estimate of 4.3 percent, as external demand declined, domestic lockdown measures...
The global pandemic has taken a heavy toll on Mozambique’s economy. In 2020, the country experienced its first economic contraction in nearly three decades. COVID-19 (coronavirus) hit the economy as it was attempting to recover from the slowdown triggered by the hidden debt crisis and the tropical cyclones in 2019. Real gross domestic product (GDP) contracted by 1.3 percent in 2020, compared to a pre-Covid estimate of 4.3 percent, as external demand declined, domestic lockdown measures...
The need for female economic empowerment in Mozambique is clear; just 24% of women have access to wage employment, versus 50% of men. The situation is worse still in urban settings where 19-24-year-old women have the highest unemployment rates in the country. The national rate of formal employment is approximately 13%, and large scale formal job creation in the Oil and Gas sector is yet to materialise. Despite impressive economic growth in recent years, 50% of Mozambicans are still living in...
Final JICA report on Nacala Corridor Development Project, whose objectives include: to clarify organizations for promoting and coordinating the implementation of development strategies for the Nacala Corridor Region in accordance with PEDEC-Nacala and to prepare for the implementation of high priority projects in accordance with PEDEC-Nacala. The study project commenced in April 2012 and the final study report was produced in April 2015.
Research Findings - It is unlikely that the extractives sector can any time soon be used to finance visionary transformation strategies aimed at achieving economic diversification. Due to the country’s fiscal situation and delays in developing the offshore natural gas sector, it seems that extractives will not provide additional revenues for at least another decade, if not longer. If the fiscal crisis results in the further deterioration of the provision of public goods and services, the...
Over the last decade, Mozambique has been one of the fastest-growing African economies, enjoying average economic growth of about 8% between 2004 and 2015. It received strong support from the international community during the period (for example, in 2014 it received US$2 billion in official development assistance). In parallel, the country has embarked on major reforms — especially fiscal reforms and tax administration — and has opened up to foreign investment, particularly for the exploitation of its natural resources.
This case study analyses the interactions between conflict and private sector development in Mozambique. In the 42 years following its independence, Mozambique faced a 16-year civil war from 1976/77 to 1992, an interim period of peace that lasted 20 years, and recurring, low-level conflict involving the same belligerents since 2013. This case study examines the conflict dynamics in post-independence Mozambique, and how the private sector has developed in response to both conflict and peace.
A series of five “Reality Checks” will take place in the period 2011-2016, focussing on the dynamics of poverty and well-being with a particular focus on good governance, agriculture/climate and energy that are key sectors in Swedish development cooperation with Mozambique. Each Reality Check will be published in the form of one Annual Report and three Sub-Reports from each of the three selected study-sites (see ORGUTa 2011 for more details). More concretely, the “Reality Checks in...
This case study has attempted to show that the implementation of a policy mechanism like PSP in water and sanitation in a context like Niassa is highly unlikely to achieve the development impacts intended. It appears that the concept “PSP” itself is erroneous; it assumes that there is a private sector wishing to participate, and that public sector delivery is the key obstacle to private involvement. Equally erroneous is the idea that the private sector can just emerge from market mechanisms...
Themes / Temas
- Conflict / Conflito (2)
- Development Banks / Bancos de Desenvolvimento (4)
- Economic Development / Desenvolvimento Económico (2)
- Employment / Emprego (1)
- Empowerment / Empoderamento (1)
- Extractive Industries / Indústrias Extractivas (2)
- FDI - foreign direct investment / IDE - investimento directo estrangeiro (1)
- Gender / Género (2)
Sectors / Setores
Geography / Geografia
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
- English / Inglês (6)
Resource type
Publication year
Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2000 and 2009
- 2003 (1)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (5)
Between 2020 and 2025
- 2021 (5)
Between 2000 and 2009