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Falando em representação da Governadora da Província de Gaza, a Directora Provincial de Cultura e Turismo denunciou o velho problema de usurpação e acumulação de terra para fins de especulação latifundiária. Trata-se de uma prática comum em Moçambique em que as elites económicas e políticas se apropriam de terras valiosas e ficam à espera do melhor momento para fazer a transacção, preferencialmente com o capital estrangeiro. A representante da Governadora de Gaza disse que esta prática...
Depois da cerimónia inaugural de quinta-feira na Província de Gaza, ontem, sexta-feira, 07 de Maio, foi a vez de Inhambane acolher o debate público no âmbito da auscultação de jovens sobre a revisão da Política Nacional de Terras. Falando na abertura da cerimónia, o Director dos Serviços Provinciais do Ambiente, em representação da Secretária de Estado da Província de Inhambane, defendeu que um dos desafios que a Inhambane enfrenta é o aumento do número de população perante um recurso terra...
No âmbito do processo de Revisão da Política Nacional de Terras e para responder aos consensus alcançados na IX Sessão do Forum de Consulta sobre as Terras (FCT) que incluiam a viabilização da transmissibilidade dos títulos de uso e aproveitamento da terra (DUAT) tornando este processo mais flexível, foi encomendado o presente estudo que tem como objectivo aferir, dentro do actual quadro legal, a viabilidade, sob o ponto de vista de oferta e da procura, da possibilidade de se implementar um...
In northern Mozambique, villagers were promised jobs to replace land taken for forestry. Five years later, they’re still waiting, discovers Nils Adler.
Over the last decade, Mozambique has been one of the fastest-growing African economies, enjoying average economic growth of about 8% between 2004 and 2015. It received strong support from the international community during the period (for example, in 2014 it received US$2 billion in official development assistance). In parallel, the country has embarked on major reforms — especially fiscal reforms and tax administration — and has opened up to foreign investment, particularly for the exploitation of its natural resources.
This paper analyses inclusive land governance in Mozambique. It focuses on the country’s legal framework and the DUAT, the right to use and benefit from the land. The DUAT is a distinctive element of the Mozambican legislation that has land as the property of the state but recognises land use rights for occupants and users on the basis of a unitary system of tenure. The challenges of putting in practice what is thought to be one of Africa’s most progressive legal frameworks are discussed....
East Africa has experienced an increase of private land use investments in the past years. Rural households have consequently faced crucial changes in their livelihoods. This paper explores the socio-economic impacts of industrial forest plantations on rural communities in Niassa, Mozambique. According to our results private forest plantations have the potential to positively impact local people’s wealth and well-being, if enough emphasis is given to minimizing the negative impacts. The...
This article reconstructs key aspects of the evolving relationship between state institutions and former regulos (Portuguese‐appointed chiefs), in Nampula Province, Mozambique during the first 12 years of independence. In doing so, it simultaneously draws on and critiques two opposing interpretations of revolution and counterrevolution which have dominated scholarly production on post‐independence Mozambique and have polarized Mozambican studies in recent years. Against both sets of...
Themes / Temas
Sectors / Setores
Geography / Geografia
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
Resource type
- Journal Article (3)
- Magazine Article (1)
- Report (4)
Publication year
Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2000 and 2009
- 2001 (1)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (4)
Between 2020 and 2025
- 2021 (3)
Between 2000 and 2009