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O objectivo do IIM 2018 é disponibilizar as estimativas de indicadores demográficos e de saúde básicos, relacionados com a malária. As informações recolhidas através do IIM 2018 destinam-se a ajudar os decisores políticos e gestores do programa de controle de malária na avaliação e concepção de estratégias para melhorar a saúde da população do país.
O presente relatório resume os resultados do Inquérito de Indicadores de Imunização, Malária e HIV/SIDA em Moçambique (IMASIDA 2015), conduzido pelo Instituto Nacional de Saúde (INS) do Ministério da Saúde (MISAU), em colaboração com o Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE). O inquérito contou com a assistência técnica da ICF, através do Programa de Inquéritos Demográficos e de Saúde (Programa DHS). A assistência técnica adicional foi proporcionada pelo CDC (Centers for Disease Control and...
Close-to-community (CTC) providers have been identified as a key cadre to progress universal health coverage and address inequities in health service provision due to their embedded position within communities. CTC providers both work within, and are subject to, the gender norms at community level but may also have the potential to alter them. This paper synthesises current evidence on gender and CTC providers and the services they deliver.
The 2018 Mozambique Malaria Indicator Survey (IIM) provides population-based estimates on malaria indicators to inform strategic planning and program evaluation. The 2018 LMIS is the 6th survey to be conducted in Mozambique through The DHS Program.
The DHS Analytical Studies 71 examines subnational variations in fertility preferences and family planning outcomes associated with poverty in married women in 12 recent Demographic and Health Surveys. Poverty is measured based on a standard set of criteria for unsatisfied basic needs and the ownership of specific assets. Households are categorized into three poverty groups: not extremely poor, extremely poor but not asset poor, and extremely poor and asset poor. This brief summarizes the...
Este documento sumariza as aprendizagens feitas ao longo da implementação do Cartão de Pontuação Comunitária (CPC) no quadro do Programa Cidadania e Participação (CEP), o qual terminou em Dezembro de 2017. O CEP foi um programa de responsabilização social que tinha como objectivo final aumentar a influência dos cidadãos na melhoria da qualidade dos serviços de saúde e educação em Moçambique.
Background and objective: maternal and neonatal mortality rates in Mozambique are high, due to insufficient numbers of qualified health workers, lack of equipment and materials, referral system deficiency, difficulties to access health services and gender issues. This study assesses the barriers to health care access, regular attendance at ante natal consultations, institutional delivery and postnatal and neonatal follow-up. This is part of the baseline study for an implementation research...
Mixed methods were used with various data sources to describe organisation and delivery of maternity care in Maputo city, Mozambique in early 2010s and to compare the plans with the service provision in practice. In the public health sector, maternity care was organised to be area based and hierarchical with a planned referral system. The provision of basic and emergency maternity care was publicly funded, largely dependent of donor funds, and free of charge for users. Even though Maputo...
O Ministério da Saúde reconhece os Comités de Qualidade e Humanização dos Cuidados de Saúde nas Unidades Sanitárias como a principal forma de diálogo e ligação entre os serviços de saúde e as comunidades. Os Termos de Referência revistos, afirmam que o Comité de Qualidade e Humanização das Unidades Sanitárias constitui uma equipa de assessoria e coordenação ao processo de implementação da actividades de qualidade e humanização no âmbito da Unidade Sanitária. Destina-se a empreender uma...
A presente Estratégia Científica do Instituto Nacional de Saúde (INS) para 2016-2025 está alinhada com o Programa Quinquenal do Governo (2015-2019) e com o Plano Estratégico do Sector Saúde (PESS 2014-2019). No contexto global, a elaboração da presente Estratégia teve em conta os Objectivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS), o Regulamento Sanitário Internacional (RSI) e a Agenda Global de Segurança Sanitária (GHSA). As principais diferenças entre a presente e anterior estratégia do INS...
Multisectoral approaches represent a prominent ideological consensus, influenced by historical roots and the current political, financial and institutional landscape, to address the multi-faceted and complex causes of most nutrition, public health and food problems. However, the implementation of multisectoral approaches presents tremendous challenges; one of the most often cited problems, in the literature and by practitioners, is coordination. This study investigates the perspectives of key...
Fiscal austerity policies imposed by the IMF have reduced investments in social services, leaving postindependence nations like Mozambique struggling to recover from civil war and high disease burden. By 2000, a sector-wide approach (SWAp) was promoted to maximize aid effectiveness. ‘Like-minded’ bilateral donors, from Europe and Canada, promoted a unified approach to health sector support focusing on joint planning, common basket funding, and streamlined monitoring and evaluation to improve...
Primeira sessão do dia aberto ao cidadão, uma iniciativa do conselho municipal da ilha de Moçambique para escutar as questões que atinjem os cerca de 50mil habitantes da primeira capital de Moçambique. As reuniões são realizadas nas comunidades para que de forma franca e aberta os munícipes possam apresentar os seus problemas
CONTEXT: Although institutional coverage of childbirth is increasing in the developing world, a substantial minority of births in rural Mozambique still occur outside of health facilities. Identifying the remaining barriers to safe professional delivery services can aid in achieving universal coverage. METHODS: Survey data collected in 2009 from 1,373 women in Gaza, Mozambique, were used in combination with spatial, meteorological and health facility data to examine patterns in place of...
A propitiously timed household survey carried out in Mozambique over the period 2008/ 2009 permits us to study the relationship between shifts in food prices and child nutrition status in a low income setting. We focus on weight-for-height and weight-for-age in different survey quarters characterized by very different food price inflation rates. Using propensity score matching techniques, we find that these nutrition measures, which are sensitive in the short run, improve significantly in...
Background: In countries, such as Mozambique, where maternal mortality remains high, the greatest contribution of mortality comes from the poor and vulnerable communities, who frequently reside in remote and rural areas with limited access to health care services. This study aimed to understand women’s health care seeking practices during pregnancy, taking into account the underlying social, cultural and structural barriers to accessing timely appropriate care in Maputo and Gaza Provinces,...
Recommendations: 1. On planning and budgeting, greater coordination is recommended between planning (setting priorities) and budgeting (financial apportionment). Transformation of all District Health Services, Women and Social Action (SDSMAS) into Management Beneficiary Units (MBU) is necessary. 2. Stakeholders should bet more on application of national public financial management systems (PFM). The use of parallel financial systems instead of enabling the National Health System (NHS) to be...
Background: Striving to foster collaboration among countries suffering from maternal and child health (MCH) inequities, the MASCOT project mapped and analyzed the use of research in strategies tackling them in 11 low- and middle-income countries. This article aims to present the way in which research influenced MCH policies and programs in six of these countries – three in Africa and three in Latin America. Methods: Qualitative research using a thematic synthesis narrative process was used...
Background: Maternal mortality remains a daunting problem in Mozambique and many other low-resource countries. High quality antenatal care (ANC) services can improve maternal and newborn health outcomes and increase the likelihood that women will seek skilled delivery care. This study explores the factors influencing provider uptake of the recommended package of ANC interventions in Mozambique. Methods: This study used qualitative research methods including key informant interviews with...
This case study was commissioned by N’weti Comunicação para a Saúde to explore the changes emerging from the implementation of an adapted version of the Community Scorecard (CSC) tool in 11 health facilities catchment areas in Nampula. This case study discusses how N’weti has adapted the Community Scorecard (CSC) tool to better improve the quality of the participation and prospects of accountability for citizens. The case study presents evidence that the adapted CSC tool has resulted in an...
Themes / Temas
- Access to Services / Acesso a Serviços (35)
- Accountability / Responsabilização (14)
- Budget / Orçamento (6)
- Citizenship & Participation / Cidadania e Participação (7)
- Civic Space / Espaço Cívico (2)
- Civil Society / Sociedade Civil (3)
- Climate Change / Mudanças Climáticas (1)
- Community scorecard (CSC) / cartão de pontuação comunitária (CPC) (1)
- Conflict / Conflito (4)
- Decentralization / Descentralização (12)
- Demographics / Demografia (9)
- Development Banks / Bancos de Desenvolvimento (3)
- Economic Development / Desenvolvimento Económico (5)
- Education / Educação (6)
- Employment / Emprego (2)
- Empowerment / Empoderamento (3)
- FDI - foreign direct investment / IDE - investimento directo estrangeiro (1)
- Fiscal Policy / Política Fiscal (1)
- Fragility / Fragilidade (2)
- Gender / Género (32)
- Governance / Governação (8)
- Government Policy / Política Governamental (9)
- Informality / Informalidade (2)
- Institutions / Instituições (5)
- Justice / Justiça (2)
- Mobilization / Mobilização (2)
- Natural Disasters / Desastres Naturais (1)
- Politics / Política (4)
- Poverty / Pobreza (8)
- Power / Poder (2)
- Rural Development / Desenvolvimento Rural (1)
- Security / Segurança (2)
- Social inclusion & exclusion / inclusão e exclusão social (3)
- Social Protection / Proteção Social (6)
- Society / Sociedade (3)
- South-South Cooperation / Cooperação sul-sul (1)
- Taxation / Tributação (2)
- Transparency / Transparência (1)
- Youth / Juventude (5)
Sectors / Setores
Health / Saúde
- COVID-19 (25)
- Dignified Care / Atendimento Humanizado / Mau Atendimento (8)
- Health information systems / Sistemas de informação de saúde (2)
- Health Services / Serviços de Saúde (4)
- Maternal and Child Health / Saúde Materna-Infantil (26)
- Social Determinants of Health / Determinantes Sociais da Saúde (3)
- WASH / Água, higiene e saneamento (4)
- Agriculture / Agricultura (1)
- Natural Resources / Recursos Naturais (1)
- Private Sector / Setor Privado (3)
Geography / Geografia
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
- English / Inglês (31)
- Portuguese / Português (36)
Resource type
- Artwork (2)
- Blog Post (4)
- Book (1)
- Book Section (17)
- Journal Article (33)
- Newspaper Article (1)
- Presentation (1)
- Report (52)
- Thesis (2)
- TV Broadcast (1)
- Web Page (2)
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
Between 1980 and 1989
- 1986 (1)
Between 1980 and 1989
- Between 2000 and 2025 (111)
- Unknown (4)