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Research has highlighted disparities in family planning outcomes by wealth and by region separately. This analysis examines regional disparities within specific poverty groups. Twelve USAID family planning priority countries with recent DHS or AIS surveys were selected for the analysis, including 11 DHS surveys (Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, Malawi, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda Uganda, and Zambia) and one AIS survey (Mozambique). The measure of absolute...
Since the start of the reform in the late 1990s, Indonesia has implemented an ambitious decentralization policy. One of its aims is to foster regional development from below by giving subnational governments a greater discretion in determining programmes that are more aspirational to the interests of the community and to local and regional development objectives. The decentralized government system has been implemented for almost two decades, yet limited studies have been conducted to...
Bureaucratic reform is an effort to improve the system of government administration, especially institutional aspects, management, and human resources of the apparatus. One of the bureaucratic reforms in Indonesia is the establishment of the One-Stop Service (OSS) office which handles and integrates all forms of licensing. This article examined how the implementation of public service reform and how the change of management practices had been implemented in the OSS of Bone Regency. Data were...
This paper examines the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. It has three research issues, namely the role of MSMEs, their constraints, and the importance of MSMEs for the creation of business opportunities for women. More specifically, the study aims to answer the following research questions. First, how important are MSMEs in Indonesia? Second, what are their main constraints? Third, how important are they, especially micro and small enterprises (MSEs),...
Background: In the past decade, the negative impact of disrespectful maternity care on women’s utilisation and experiences of facility-based delivery has been well documented. Less is known about midwives’ perspectives on these labour ward dynamics. Yet efforts to provide care that satisfies women’s psycho-socio-cultural needs rest on midwives’ capacity and willingness to provide it. We performed a systematic review of the emerging literature documenting midwives’ perspectives to explore the...
"As regras do jogo: uma introdução às normas internacionais do trabalho" apresenta de maneira sucinta a política normativa da OIT, com objetivo de facilitar a sua compreensão e apropriação pelos constituintes tradicionais da OIT e os do sistema das Nações Unidas, bem como os não especialistas e o público em geral.
The Rules of the Game: An introduction to the standards-related work of the ILO provides a brief presentation of the ILO’s standards policy with a view to facilitating understanding and ownership by the ILO’s traditional constituents, as well as the United Nations system, non-specialists and the broader public. In its first section, the publication recalls the underlying reasons for and utility of the ILO’s standards-related action at both the national level and in the current context of...
Background How do governance interventions that engage citizens in public service delivery planning, management and oversight impact the quality of and access to services and citizens’ quality of life? This systematic review examined high quality evidence from 35 citizen engagement programmes in low- and middle-income countries that promote the engagement of citizens in service delivery through four routes: participation (participatory priority setting); inclusion of marginalised groups;...
Inequality is a key political issue of our times. It has political consequences, fuelling conflict and raising legitimacy chal‑ lenges for regimes around the world, in democratic and non‑demo‑ cratic settings alike. At the centre of these challenges is the question of accountability: who can be held accountable, on what basis, how and by whom for tackling or failing to tackle which inequalities. In the field of global health, inequality has long been a key issue. A significant body of work —...
Themes / Temas
- Accountability / Responsabilização (2)
- Citizenship & Participation / Cidadania e Participação (1)
- Decentralization / Descentralização (2)
- Demographics / Demografia (1)
- Employment / Emprego (1)
- Empowerment / Empoderamento (1)
- Entrepreneurship / Empreendedorismo (1)
- Gender / Género (2)
- Poverty / Pobreza (1)
- Power / Poder (1)
Sectors / Setores
Geography / Geografia
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
Resource type
- Book (2)
- Journal Article (6)
- Report (1)