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Illicit flows are a major part of the political and economic landscape of northern Mozambique. In South Africa, the trade in poached abalone and the trafficking of synthetic drug still remain joined today. The impact that heroin capsules have had in Durban in terms of violence, profitability and local demand for heroin. How illicit gold from South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo flows through Uganda
A review of key developments in 2020 with a look toward trends to watch in the coming year.
This report addresses the relationship between population growth, age structure, and conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The literature reviewed for this report presents strong evidence that age structure and population growth matter for conflict. There is particularly strong evidence that points to the relationship between young age structure and conflict, although studies that disaggregate types of conflict and characteristics of young age structures (urban, male, etc.) tend to offer...
According to the Homeland Security Today website, the statement lists "guidelines for dealing with the epidemic". For the Islamic State, the main advice is "to trust God and take refuge in Him from disease", but followers have an "obligation" to take protective measures to prevent it. Among these measures, the terrorist group emphasizes that "the healthy should not enter the land of the epidemic and the sick must not leave it". According to the council, terrorists should not travel to Europe...
The main focus of the report is the impact of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic on democracy and freedom around the world. It looks at how the pandemic resulted in the withdrawal of civil liberties on a massive scale and fuelled an existing trend of intolerance and censorship of dissenting opinion (see page 14). The report also examines the state of US democracy after a tumultuous year dominated by the coronavirus pandemic, the Black Lives Matter movement and a hotly contested presidential...
Research has highlighted disparities in family planning outcomes by wealth and by region separately. This analysis examines regional disparities within specific poverty groups. Twelve USAID family planning priority countries with recent DHS or AIS surveys were selected for the analysis, including 11 DHS surveys (Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, Malawi, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda Uganda, and Zambia) and one AIS survey (Mozambique). The measure of absolute...
The aims of this paper are: 1) to highlight how multi-stakeholder country platforms, built on development effectiveness principles, in line with the globally agreed recommendations of IHP+2, can be reinforced within the framework of the Global Strategy and its supporting mechanisms and are key to the Global Strategy’s successful implementation; and 2) to lay out key considerations for new multi-stakeholder country platforms, along with the relevant mechanisms and a minimum set of standards...
There is a large volume of literature on youth participation in development, including on the benefits of involving young people in local, national, regional and global governance initiatives. Although not as voluminous, there is also a significant body of work on youth participation in civic life, though much of this focuses on issues of education and employment (Oxfam 2016) as well as health (particularly initiatives related to HIV/ AIDS). It was not possible to identify a large body of...
The Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health 2016-30 highlights the importance of adolescent health and well-being as being essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030. For adolescents to survive, thrive and transform their societies, the global community needs to invest in their health and well-being. Today’s adolescents are well-positioned to mobilize their peers, advocate for increased resources for sexual and reproductive health and...
The DHS Analytical Studies 71 examines subnational variations in fertility preferences and family planning outcomes associated with poverty in married women in 12 recent Demographic and Health Surveys. Poverty is measured based on a standard set of criteria for unsatisfied basic needs and the ownership of specific assets. Households are categorized into three poverty groups: not extremely poor, extremely poor but not asset poor, and extremely poor and asset poor. This brief summarizes the...
The implementation plan for the civil society engagement strategy (CSES) is developed to provide civil society organizations in countries (CSOs) with an operational framework to strengthen their engagement in the GFF process with a view to supporting the achievement of the objectives of the GFF and national investment cases. The plan reflects and builds on, and should be read in conjunction with the CSES. It is shaped and informed by GFF country implementation experiences to date, 12345 as...
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Without much preparation, Indonesia, in 2000, at a stroke replaced the previous system of centralized government and development planning with a wide range of decentralization programs. The reforms gave greater authority, political power, and financial resources directly to regencies and municipalities, bypassing the provinces. The powers transferred include those of executing a wide range of responsibilities in the areas of health, primary and middle-level education, public works,...
The project’s objective was to improve access to lower secondary education, by constructing 4 schools and extending the capacity of existing schools and their facilities in the target areas of Maputo Province and Gaza Province, thereby contributing to improvement of the quality of education. The project’s objective coincides with the development policy of Mozambique, which emphasizes the expansion of access to secondary education at the time of planning and also ex-post evaluation. It also...
This report provides a brief examination of how and where gender analysis is incorporated into Political Economy Analysis (PEA). An initial review of the literature indicates that gender is not systematically included in PEA. This was also conveyed by a number of experts consulted for this report, who stated that few if any PEAs to their knowledge had included a gender analysis, with the issue usually treated only in passing. The report nevertheless highlights the existing examples of...
O Programa Cidadania e Participação (CEP) (2013-2018) apoia os cidadãos na monitoria da qualidade de prestação de serviços de saúde e de educação em quatro províncias de Moçambique, assim como a advogar para a melhoria da qualidade desses serviços nos níveis distrital, provincial e nacional. O CEP pretende contribuir para: uma maior disponibilidade de informação relevante de modo a que os cidadãos tenham um melhor acesso e benefício dos serviços prestados pelo sector público; melhorar as...
Why do different services encounter particular constraints and opportunities in their delivery? This working paper identifies a set of characteristics that can be used to differentiate between services, and between functions within them, and asks how these defining or ‘fixed’ characteristics may influence key relationships of accountability and control.
The development industry is increasingly pushing practitioners to achieve results, and to do better in demonstrating what works, what does not, and explaining why. There is a growing interest in going beyond the measurement of results to being able to understand the basis for success or failure. Consequently, the development of explicit theories of change (ToCs) is starting to be viewed as central to this process, as a key part of what constitutes ‘rigour’ in impact evaluations. Citizen...
Decentralization has been underway in Indonesia for more than ten years, but recently many have challenged the how effectively decentralization – and even democratization – is being implemented. Deterioration in the quality of public services, the many corruption cases involving local governments, and low economic growth rates in some regions have prompted discourse about whether the country is making a reversal away from decentralization and democratization. We recognize that the move...
This report is about how women entrepreneurs can contribute more to the quality and direction of economic and social development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Economic growth in the Middle East has been remarkable since 2004, mainly because of higher oil prices. Rapid job growth has followed, driven mainly by the private sector. Yet the region still faces two important challenges: the first is to create better jobs for an increasingly educated young workforce; the second...
Themes / Temas
Sectors / Setores
Health / Saúde
- COVID-19 (1)
Geography / Geografia
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
- English / Inglês (18)