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Results 6 resources
Inequality is a key political issue of our times. It has political consequences, fuelling conflict and raising legitimacy chal‑ lenges for regimes around the world, in democratic and non‑demo‑ cratic settings alike. At the centre of these challenges is the question of accountability: who can be held accountable, on what basis, how and by whom for tackling or failing to tackle which inequalities. In the field of global health, inequality has long been a key issue. A significant body of work —...
There is a large volume of literature on youth participation in development, including on the benefits of involving young people in local, national, regional and global governance initiatives. Although not as voluminous, there is also a significant body of work on youth participation in civic life, though much of this focuses on issues of education and employment (Oxfam 2016) as well as health (particularly initiatives related to HIV/ AIDS). It was not possible to identify a large body of...
O Programa Cidadania e Participação (CEP) (2013-2018) apoia os cidadãos na monitoria da qualidade de prestação de serviços de saúde e de educação em quatro províncias de Moçambique, assim como a advogar para a melhoria da qualidade desses serviços nos níveis distrital, provincial e nacional. O CEP pretende contribuir para: uma maior disponibilidade de informação relevante de modo a que os cidadãos tenham um melhor acesso e benefício dos serviços prestados pelo sector público; melhorar as...
Desenvolvida na cidade de Porto Alegre no Brasil em 1989 e consagrada como “boa prática” pela ONU em 1996, o Orçamento Participativo vem ganhando força na África. Na América Latina os efeitos do Orçamento Participativo estão associados ao estímulo à participação política e ao controle social, a inversão de prioridades nas políticas públicas, o aumento da transparência política e a promoção de justiça social. Na África Sub-sahariana esta política de governança participativa se enraíza a...
The IDS Participation and Health and Social Change Groups convened a workshop in October 1999 to share experience with the use of participatory approaches in enhancing accountability in the health sector, and to explore some of these challenges. The articles in this bulletin reflect some of the richness of experience on the ground in building effective participation, as well as some of the many issues that arise in moving towards more active citizen engagement with service provision. They...
A group of civil organizations committed to strengthening state-society synergies for accountability and Mexico’s National Audit Office (ASF) jointly organized the International Seminar on Citizen Participation and External Auditing in September 2020. More than five thousand people from 21 countries registered, and there were more than eighteen thousand virtual participants throughout the three days of the event.[1] During the seminar, participants shared an assessment on the state of the...
Themes / Temas
Sectors / Setores
- Health / Saúde (2)
Geography / Geografia
Language / Linguagem
Resource type
- Journal Article (2)
- Report (3)
- Web Page (1)
Publication year
Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2000 and 2009
- 2000 (1)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (4)
Between 2000 and 2009
- Unknown (1)