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Estado de Direito e independência judicialTrindade, J. C. - 2020 - UNU-WIDER Working Paper 2020/134
Estado de Direito e a independência judicial ainda são um projecto por concretizar em Moçambique. As diferentes tentativas de reforma do sistema de justiça até aqui experimentadas, principalmente após a mudança de orientação política e estratégica imprimida a partir da Constituição de 1990, tiveram sempre um cunho imediatista e conjuntural, sob pressões internas e externas nem sempre claras ou bem-intencionadas. É preciso levar a cabo uma verdadeira reforma estrutural para que o Poder...
Abstract: The rule of law and judicial independence are a project yet to be achieved in Mozambique. The different attempts made so far to reform the legal system, mainly after the change in political and strategic direction brought about by the Constitution of 1990, were always short-sighted and conjunctural in nature, under domestic and foreign pressure that was not always clear or well-intentioned. Real structural reforms need to be made for the judiciary to be able to affirm itself as a...
NJ Ayuk discusses the Mozambique LNG project.
This article develops the concept of ‘mediating bureaucrats’ by exploring their role during liberal reforms that led to rehabilitation of the sugar industry in Mozambique. By focusing on how relations between the state, government and business are mediated by a group of cadres who have occupied positions in different social domains, the article argues that these ‘mediating bureaucrats’ cannot easily be identified in one-dimensional terms as belonging to either the public or private sector,...
O norte de Moçambique passa a partir de hoje a contar com uma Agência de Desenvolvimento integrado para promover o crescimento económico e social. E em Pemba, Filipe Nyusi falou com o bispo de Pemba sobre a insurgência.
Desde o final de 2017, Cabo Delgado, tem sido palco de violentos ataques de grupos […]
The main objective of the Land at Scale Program is to increase community legal awareness and strengthen security of land tenure rights, creating capacity at local level to implement and leverage the progressive provisions of the Mozambican legal framework. The programme will contribute to community preparation to intervene in an informed manner in the land sector and will also contribute to the delimitation of community and individual land-use rights based on good faith occupation and...
Since 2011, thousands of people have been resettled in the province of Tete, central Mozambique to make way for open-pit coal mines. These resettlements have received widespread criticism for impoverishing already vulnerable communities and for the repressive action taken against local opposition. This repression is part of a broader array of reactions “from above” that have emerged in relation to protest. One of these reactions “from above” is that representatives of the government of...
Map Mozambique
Com a entrada no novo milénio, e em virtude do aumento da procura de matérias primas nos mercados internacionais, intensifica-se um modelo de desenvolvimento assente na exploração de recursos naturais. Em Cabo Delgado emerge uma economia extractiva, fortemente dirigida para mercados externos e dependente da oscilação de preços nos mercados internacionais, que o país não tem condições de controlar. Grandes multinacionais envolvem-se numa acesa competição pelo acesso a recursos, em complexas...
Tal como procedeu no caso da passagem da tutela da ADIN para Celso Correia, o CDD defende que a Agência do Zambeze deve estar sob tutela do Conselho de Ministros e a sua direcção deve prestar contras ao Primeiro-Ministro. À semelhança da ADIN, a Agência do Zambeze tem uma visão holística de desenvolvimento e uma actuação transversal que abrange todos os sectores económicos e sociais do Governo, pelo que não faz sentido a sua direcção responder a um Ministro responsável por um único sector,...
This article explores the contemporary expressions of violence and oppression linked to the action of the extractive industry in the northern province of Cabo Delgado, Mozambique. Twenty-five years after the signing of the General Peace Agreement, the debate on peace in the country has remained confined to the resurgence of armed clashes between RENAMO combatants and State security forces in recent years. It is proposed here, however, that the current range of violence that challenge peace...
This study explored effects of couples’ communication and male participation in birth preparedness and complication readiness (BPCR) on delivery in a health facility (“institutional delivery”). A cross-sectional, baseline household survey was conducted in November 2016 prior to an integrated maternal and child health project in Nampula and Sofala Provinces in Mozambique.
For almost three years, the ISIS-affiliated extremist group Ansar al-Sunna has spearheaded an insurgency in Mozambique’s northern province of Cabo Delgado. In recent months the situation in Cabo Delgado has deteriorated significantly and violent attacks are now frequent. Militants have begun to target military positions having previously focused on civilian targets. It is a sign that the group is growing in resilience, operational capacity and confidence. From its first few attacks in...
According to the Homeland Security Today website, the statement lists "guidelines for dealing with the epidemic". For the Islamic State, the main advice is "to trust God and take refuge in Him from disease", but followers have an "obligation" to take protective measures to prevent it. Among these measures, the terrorist group emphasizes that "the healthy should not enter the land of the epidemic and the sick must not leave it". According to the council, terrorists should not travel to Europe...
Youth hubs discuss economic exclusion. Unemployment was singled out as the most pressing challenge that young people face. As an answer to unemployment, these young people highlighted that education must equip students with relevant skills to be innovative and entrepreneurs, and to be competitive in the labor market.
Analisa as dinâmicas da insurgência em Cabo Delgado e procura interrogar o que Moçambique pode aprender dos seus ciclos de violência armada, particularmente a guerra civil, para fazer face ao actual conflito no Norte do país.
Since the October 2017 attacks by alleged Islamist insurgents, commonly referred to as Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jama and locally know as Al Shabab, on Mocimboa da Praia, it has not been entirely clear who the attackers were, what their strategic objectives are and on whose domestic and international support they rely. This paper, grounded in a historical understanding of conflict in northern Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado Province, seeks to identify possible stakeholders and scenarios in what we no longer see as an insurgency, but a war.
In the past decade, the Mozambican government has been mobilizing international capital to build and renovate transport infrastructure in the central and northern areas of the country, with the aim of creating agricultural corridors. Based on field research conducted in two districts along the Beira and Nacala corridors, I examine those occasions when international capital and national agricultural policy meet smallholders in the implementation of agricultural projects. This article offers a...
Development donors invest significantly in governance reform, including in contexts characterised by conflict and fragility. However, there is relatively little comparative study of their change strategies, and little understanding of what works and why. This paper explores the strategies of six recent DFID-funded programmes in Mozambique, Myanmar, and Pakistan with empowerment and accountability aims. Document review and field interviews are used to analyse the application of multi-scalar...
Themes / Temas
- Access to Services / Acesso a Serviços (5)
- Accountability / Responsabilização (5)
- ADIN (Agency for Integrated Development of the North) (1)
- Budget / Orçamento (6)
- Citizenship & Participation / Cidadania e Participação (3)
- Civil Society / Sociedade Civil (2)
- Climate Change / Mudanças Climáticas (3)
- Conflict / Conflito (23)
- Corruption / Corrupção (2)
- Decentralization / Descentralização (5)
- Demographics / Demografia (3)
- Development Banks / Bancos de Desenvolvimento (4)
- Displaced Communities / Comunidades Deslocadas (2)
- Economic Development / Desenvolvimento Económico (11)
- Education / Educação (3)
- Electoral Geography / Geografia Eleitoral (2)
- Employment / Emprego (4)
- Empowerment / Empoderamento (2)
- Extractive Industries / Indústrias Extractivas (7)
- FDI - foreign direct investment / IDE - investimento directo estrangeiro (4)
- Financial Inclusion / Inclusão Financeira (2)
- Fiscal Policy / Política Fiscal (3)
- Gender / Género (9)
- Governance / Governação (6)
- Government Policy / Política Governamental (6)
- Inclusive Growth / Crescimento Inclusivo (4)
- Institutions / Instituições (10)
- Law / Direito (2)
- Monetary Policy / Política Monetária (3)
- Natural Disasters / Desastres Naturais (1)
- Politics / Política (2)
- Poverty / Pobreza (6)
- Power / Poder (1)
- Rural Development / Desenvolvimento Rural (1)
- Social inclusion & exclusion / inclusão e exclusão social (2)
- Social Protection / Proteção Social (7)
- Society / Sociedade (2)
- Transparency / Transparência (2)
- Urbanization / Urbanização (1)
- Youth / Juventude (13)
Sectors / Setores
Geography / Geografia
Mozambique / Moçambique
Central / Centro
- Sofala (1)
North / Norte
- Cabo Delgado (21)
- Nacala (2)
- Nampula (8)
- Lago (1)
Central / Centro
- Rest of the World / Rest of the World (8)
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
- English / Inglês (26)
- Portuguese / Português (41)
Resource type
- Blog Post (7)
- Book (4)
- Book Section (20)
- Journal Article (38)
- Presentation (1)
- Report (45)
- Thesis (4)
- Video Recording (1)
- Web Page (4)