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A visual explanation of how Mozambique’s islamist group al-Shabab has grown over the years in the northern Cabo Delgado province.
Australian mining company Syrah Resources has resumed production of graphite ahead of schedule at its Balama mine in Cabo Delgado, northern Mozambique, it said in a statement to shareholders on Tuesday. The plant's activities were halted in late March last year following the country's implementat
The Department of State has designated the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria – Democratic Republic of the Congo (ISIS-DRC) and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria – Mozambique (ISIS-Mozambique) as Foreign Terrorist Organizations under section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended. The Department has also designated ISIS-DRC and ISIS-Mozambique as […]
Floating regas unit could be used for imports that would ultimately help supply South Africa
Shares in Altona Rare Earths soared by over 60% today following the news that the group has entered into an MoU to acquire up to 70% in the Monte Muambe Rare Earths Project. Should it choose to proceed with the investment following a 90-day due diligence period, the project would represent its first venture into a carbonatite hosted REE asset.
Moma, one of the world’s biggest titanium mineral deposits, is located 160km from the city of Nampula in Mozambique, Africa. It is owned and operated by Kenmare Resources. The mine contains the titanium minerals ilmenite, rutile and zircon, which are used as feedstock to produce titanium dioxide pigment. It started production of heavy mineral concentrate (HMC) containing these three minerals in April 2007. It produced 1,201,100t of HMC and shipped approximately 853,100t of finished products...
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Mozambique and France are discussing a military maritime cooperation agreement, a diplomatic source in the European country told Lusa in the context of possible support in the fight against terrorism in Cabo Delgado. "No operational military support has been provided to Cabo Delgado by the French
Mais de 300 mil hectares lavrados na campanha agrícola 2020/21
In the last few years, the global community has established a shared and widely accepted vision on the importance and significance of global goals, such as the SDGs and Universal Health Coverage (UHC). This vision has provided an opportunity to agree on what we can collectively aspire to achieve, and how these achievements are measured. […]
O Movimento de Educação para Todos (MEPT) em coordenação com o Ministério da Educação e Desenvolvimento Humano (MINEDH), realizou nos dias 6 e 7 de Junho do corrente ano, em Maputo, a Conferência Internacional Sobre a Educação da Rapariga com o lema “Desafios, Partilha de Experiências e Boas Práticas para Assegurar a Retenção da Rapariga no Sistema de Ensino.” Esta conferência tinha como objetivos: → Troca de experiências em torno de políticas e práticas existentes a nível nacional e...
Outcome Harvesting is a M&E methodology used to identify, describe, verify and analyses the changes brought about by a campaign, support or advocacy initiative (see Better Evaluation or Winter School 2019 presentation by Outcome Mapping Learning Community). In Outcome Harvesting, one collects evidence of change (‘outcomes’ – e.g. changed policy, amended or stopped legislation processes, a new coalition formed, shifted voting behaviour) and then works backwards to assess contribution to that...
As I explored in my previous blog, the health sector and provision of health services in Mozambique is an uneven playing field. Since 1980 it has been shaped by a range of donors who have strategically positioned themselves according to their political weight and ability to contribute with ‘commodities’ and financial resources. Although donors’ contributions […]
Mozambique has recorded strong growth, but many low-income households are missing out on the benefits and policy options to make rowth more inclusive in Mozambique
O investimento em energias e infra-estruturas pode transformar o negligenciado norte e afectar a sucessão presidencial. Andarko e outras companhias petrolíferas prevêem que o gás descoberto em Cabo Delgado pode duplicar o produto interno bruto anual. Por enquanto acredita-se que as vastas reservas de carvão se encontram na província do Niassa. O centro de gravidade de oportunidades económicas de Moçambique parecem se transladar para o norte. O governo está a atrair investidores estrangeiros...
Desenvolvida na cidade de Porto Alegre no Brasil em 1989 e consagrada como “boa prática” pela ONU em 1996, o Orçamento Participativo vem ganhando força na África. Na América Latina os efeitos do Orçamento Participativo estão associados ao estímulo à participação política e ao controle social, a inversão de prioridades nas políticas públicas, o aumento da transparência política e a promoção de justiça social. Na África Sub-sahariana esta política de governança participativa se enraíza a...
This paper examines the changing perceptions of Frelimo's nationalist project amongst members of the middle class in Maputo, Mozambique's capital. I argue that nationalism in Mozambique created a system of meaning and new forms of identity that are especially relevant for more privileged urbanites. However, growing urban poverty and inequality has had an effect throughout the social spectrum in Mozambique. The self-same set of nationalist values provides a critique for the failings of the...
Information on the Swedish support to the private sector related to agriculture in Niassa, Mozambique 2003.
This paper analyses inclusive land governance in Mozambique. It focuses on the country’s legal framework and the DUAT, the right to use and benefit from the land.
Themes / Temas
Sectors / Setores
Geography / Geografia
Mozambique / Moçambique
Central / Centro
- Tete (2)
North / Norte
- Cabo Delgado (6)
- Nampula (1)
- Niassa (1)
Central / Centro
- Rest of the World / Rest of the World (5)
Methods / Métodos
Language / Linguagem
Resource type
Publication year
Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2000 and 2009
- 2003 (1)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (8)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (10)
Between 2000 and 2009
- Unknown (13)